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  1. L

    Reviewed Anti Cheat Code #1004 Bug

    D: 86067 Ingame name: Lucien Ice Why were you banned? Anticheat: #1004 How long were you banned?: 9999 How long does your punishment last?: 9998 Why should we unban you?: I was in the arena there I played normally then i made weapons switch as usual and was then banned by the anticheat hope for...
  2. L

    Rejected Anti Cheat Code #1004 Bug

    D: 86067 Ingame name: Lucien Ice Why were you banned? Anticheat: #1004 How long were you banned?: 9999 How long does your punishment last?: 9998 Why should we unban you?: I was in the arena there I played normally then i made weapons switch as usual and was then banned by the anticheat hope for...
  3. L

    Rejected Unnban for Anticheat #1004

    ID: 86067 Ingame name: Lucien Ice Why were you banned? Anticheat: #1004 How long were you banned?: 9999 How long does your punishment last?: 9998 Why should we unban you?: I was in the arena there I played normally then i made weapons switch as usual and was then banned by the anticheat hope for...
  4. L

    Rejected Ban for anticheat#1004 | @Mazhor @Napal

    ID: 86067 Ingame name: Lucien Ice Why were you banned? Anticheat: #1004 How long were you banned?: 9999 How long does your punishment last?: 9998 Why should we unban you?: I was in the arena there I played normally then i made weapons switch as usual and was then banned by the anticheat hope for...
  5. L

    Rejected Ban for anticheat#1004 | @Mazhor @Napal

    ID: 86067 Ingame name: Lucien Ice Why were you banned? Anticheat: #1004 How long were you banned?: 9999 How long does your punishment last?: 9998 Why should we unban you?: I was in the arena there I played normally then i made weapons switch as usual and was then banned by the anticheat hope...
  6. L

    Rejected Ban for anticheat#1004 | @Mazhor @Napal

    ID: 86067 Ingamename: Lucien Ice Warum wurdest du gebannt? Anticheat #1004 Wie lang wurdest du gebannt? 9999 Wie lang läuft deine Strafe noch? 9998 Wieso sollten wir dich entbannen? Das es ein
  7. L

    Rejected Unbann | 86067

    Ich wurde aus unerkenntlichen Gründen gebannt. Ich war in der Arena und habe mit dem Revolver geschossen und dabei habe ich den Weaponswitch gemacht, anschließen wurde ich gebann und habe Kollegen gefragt warum die sagten denn zu mir das es verboten sei was ich nicht wusste. Dafür würde ich...
  8. L

    Rejected Sunny Rio Verweigerung und Verteidigung gegen eines Spieler

    #Beispiel1 Ich wurde in den Admin Knast gesteckt für RDM (was ich einsehen) #Beispeil2 Sunny Rio verteidigt [115582] Lya Shimojo gegen das vergehen das ich mich rittzen (mich unbringen oder selbst verletzen soll) und sagt das ist eine auslegungs sache sei. #Beispiel3 [115582] Lya Shimojo wurde...
  9. L

    Rejected RDM am würfelpark

    Diese Person RDMt am würfelpark
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