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Search results

  1. N

    Approved Arrested for nothing and Illegal Search | 157118

    Simp, as you can see if the clip, I tried to say sorry but I was muted. And also, I do have me tabbing out of the game and it was an accident I didnt even know I did that until you linked pov
  2. N

    Approved Arrested for nothing and Illegal Search | 157118

    i do have more, but all I did is spasm lmaoo
  3. N

    Approved Arrested for nothing and Illegal Search | 157118

    Also there this is the picture of the cop without clothes
  4. N

    Approved Arrested for nothing and Illegal Search | 157118

    I got arrested for a spasm, got no demands, immediately got tased, and illegally searched even though I was not holding up anything illegal. And, one of them was not wearing any items indicating that he is a cop.
  5. N

    Approved Killing in city | 98304

    We were just chilling in the city and all of a sudden we get killed by this guy. After, we hopped out the ghetto and my friend got beamed with only a assault rifle and died within 2 seconds. Possible cheats.
  6. N

    Rejected Killing in Black Market | 98304

    We were just chilling at black market and all of a sudden we get killed by this guy. After, we hopped out the ghetto and my friend got beamed with only a assault rifle and died within 2 seconds. Possible cheats.
  7. N

    Rejected Killing own Gang Member | 226185

    Me and Gio are both in the Bloods and he decided to kill me and talk shit on my body at first due to me reviving my family member and then this happens.
  8. N

    Approved Leader of vagos | James Morgan

    James would be a really great leader. BIG VOUCH!
  9. N

    Rejected Leader of Vagos | James Morgan

  10. N

    Rejected Vagos leader

  11. N

    Rejected Robbed and killed on Vinewood Hills Freeway

    Robbed and Killed My ID: 250803 Suspect ID: 184530
  12. N

    Rejected Bloodlines | Unofficial Organization

    no one better than bloodlines
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