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Search results

  1. Kai Saltletts

    Rejected Gebannt vom Anticheat @Jasko Madeyro

    ID:53573 ID:74258 2acc Ingamename: Kai Saltletts Warum wurdest du gebannt?: Anti-Cheat#934 Wie lang wurdest du gebannt?: 9999 Tage Wie lang läuft deine Strafe noch?: 9920 Tage Wieso sollten wir dich entbannen? Am 17.05 wurde ich vom Anticheat gebannt, da mich ein Hacker ausgetrickst hatte. Er...
  2. Kai Saltletts

    Rejected Admin complaint against Napal Fedorov @Mazhor

    ID: 53573 2 acc 74258 Game name: Kai Saltletts why were you banned Anti-Cheat how long were you banned 9999 days How long is your sentence? 9999 days Why should we unban you? I haven't done anything hi! please entbann me bacause i helped only an other player for his battlepass! he asked me...
  3. Kai Saltletts

    Rejected Banned Anti Cheat

    ID: 53573 2 acc 74258 Game name: Kai Saltletts why were you banned Anti-Cheat how long were you banned 9999 days How long is your sentence? 9999 days Why should we unban you? I haven't done anything hi! please entbann me bacause i helped only an other player for his battlepass! he asked me...
  4. Kai Saltletts

    Reviewed Admin complaint against Napal Fedorov @Mazhor

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1096875837812383764/1108437724651851786/gta_5_t.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1096875837812383764/1108437725432004658/Unbenannt.png
  5. Kai Saltletts

    Reviewed Admin complaint against Napal Fedorov @Mazhor

    ID: 53573 Game name: Kai Saltletts why were you banned Anti-Cheat Blacklist how long were you banned 9999 days How long is your sentence? 9999 days Why should we unban you? I haven't done anything Dear Mazhor Hey! Bitte entsperre mich, da ich nur einem anderen Spieler bei seinem Battle Pass...
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