hello admins i was just informing these bozos that they were in zone and they didn't listen eventually resulting in them spawning in the zone so now this shit family will get a strike for that bc they are breaking the rules eventually resulting in my immersion being broken eventually resulting...
i was at the hospital after i had just died and a taxi driver picked me up with his other taxi friends following and hopped out of the car in the middle of the street and started to punch me and vdm me in which i shot at them to protect my own life. I dont see how this is RDM as i have reason to...
I got banned for cheating and not having POV but it has been over 50 days now i think i should have received a 30 day ban instead of a 60 because i wasnt cheating
I got banned for cheating even known it was my pc not loading textures in
In his POV you can see i wasnt taking any damage but in my eyes i couldnt even see him i could only see his id so i shot at him and it had blood splatter but it did now show damage counter. When i drove into the informal...
i got a warning when my game crashed. My pc just stopped working and then my game crashed not my fault nothing I could do. Also no one was robbing me so how was it combat log.
Here is pov:
Side note: why hasn't the guy in the video been punished for metagame as he...
im id 10354
my game crashed and now i have a warning not my fault my pc is bad
here is pov:
also no one even pointed at me so how was it combat log
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