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Search results

  1. Ghost Shelby

    Rejected The Peaky Blinders / Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: The Peaky Blinders Family Owner: Ghost Shelby | 253400 Family Co-leaders: Danny Boyy Damon Laflare Family House Number: 1136 Leader Discord: ghostroninx Leader Forum Name: Ghost Shelby Family Logo: https://imgur.io/4RjNmH9 Backstory: The origins of this family are -...
  2. Ghost Shelby

    Approved Scammed / 286371

    Player ID 286371 posted an ad selling 30 Grand Coins for 3 mil, so we agreed to meet at the bank by legion square. As you can see in the proof provided below you can see where he acts funny from the start and then mentions having another account to trade between. Then as soon as I handed him the...
  3. Ghost Shelby

    Approved MK ID 253400

    Also I heard you say "leave the area" the first time at 1:20 so I came up and shot you 10 seconds later. Not RDM
  4. Ghost Shelby

    Approved MK ID 253400

    I did not MK it was someone on the roof your POV didnt show me MK you it shown me roll infront of you to shoot your friends on the roof
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