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  1. Matez

    Rejected Unban Appeal G.R 6.22 | Jonny Odds

    Hello everyone, first of all I wish you a good day, I was banned 1 month ago, I served my sentence, I lost all my wealth and houses. I love Grandrp so much, I miss my friends, I don't have any other game I play, the only platform I enjoy is here, I have nothing left to lose, I just want my ban...
  2. Matez

    Rejected Unban Appeal G.R 6.22 | Jonny Odds

    First of all hello dear grandrp team I hope your days are going well and healthy Grandrp I have been playing for a long time with pleasure it has become a part of my life and I try not to violate any rules, In the family I am authorized to carry their ammunition to the family cars, in order not...
  3. Matez

    Rejected close

  4. Matez

    Rejected close

  5. Matez

    Rejected CHEAT - 251999

    where is a cheat ? He crashed into a gas station because I accidentally touched her.
  6. Matez

    Rejected Fail RP || 251999, 305679

    If you had gotten out of the car, I would have counted down for you to get away from that area, but you didn't. And it doesn't concern me, you exit the game as quickly as you die and this is the Combat Log.
  7. Matez

    Rejected Please Close

    I Suggest You Go Read Grand Rules You don't seem to have any idea about anything
  8. Matez

    Rejected Fail RP || 251999, 305679

    I threw an engine block at you initially, indicating a car robbery, and told you twice to get out of the car. However, you didn't comply, so I shot you. I'm not giving you a 'leave this area in 5 seconds' demand because you didn't even get out of the car. Why would I tell you to leave the area...
  9. Matez

    Rejected Please Close

    You didn't obey Demond. I gave you your 2nd Demond there. It was time to get down, but you got down when I shot your friend. From now on, I don't care. You can draw your weapon and shoot me." , Before you shot me, I shot you
  10. Matez

    Rejected Please Close

    I'm pointing a gun at you, he's still trying to start the engine, fear doesn't RP
  11. Matez

    Rejected Please Close

    Yes, I shot you because I gave you a demond and shot your friend and then you got out and I shot you so you wouldn't shoot us after we landed because you landed too late even though I gave you a demond.
  12. Matez

    Rejected Please Close

    First of all, I wasn't trying to hit you, I was going to leave the car in front of you but I went too far ahead. Secondly, I told you to get out three times and said there was a Car Robbery but as heard in the video, you didn't get out and tried to start the engine. You had plenty of time to get...
  13. Matez

    Approved UB DRIVING | 251999 238339

    First of all, I can say that because we wanted to catch you and apologize, we tried to catch up with you and honked our horn, and then the car flew away, it's not my fault, the brakes didn't work and it crashed.
  14. Matez

    Approved RDM I 238339

    Even though he gave you a demond, you tried to make a fail rp and continue.
  15. Matez

    Approved RDM I 238339

    There is no rdm, demond gave you but you try to get in the car without listening and continue, it killed you.
  16. Matez

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 251999

    I have proof, but when the animation ended, I filled up and unfortunately crashed.
  17. Matez

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 251999

    After fighting with the owner of the car, I quickly put down my weapons and stole the car to prevent him from crashing, and since I couldn't regenerate my health, I was filling up my health there. His ending animation I already finished stealing the car
  18. Matez

    Approved Ban for Anticheat #1004 | Napal Fedorov

    I was banned from anticheat for shooting with a pistol while doing task in the arena with my friend and then picking up a gun, picking up a revo and shooting again. I didn't know it was a bug. im sorry about it
  19. Matez

    Rejected Admin Complaint | Lazer White

    1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn i already get my warning from this rule i think i needed to get 1 warn
  20. Matez

    Rejected Admin Complaint | Lazer White

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/562177/#post-2041699 inside of this forum i already get warning from gz 1.1 but i got warning from rdm too i got 2 warning from the same thing
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