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  1. A

    Rejected RDM | 269167 | 266069 | 298779 | 282895 | 45885

    cant cant hear anything on ur pov dude
  2. A

    Approved N WORD | 290268

    my fam were protecting the panels then i got killed nad this guy say the n word
  3. A

    Rejected RDM | 122340

    i was talking none rp chat so its not fail rp
  4. A

    Rejected RDM | 122340

    So i dont undrestand why my fourm got rjected when u see i just was flying around the panel but lits like 30 mins before the raid like thats dosent make since
  5. A

    Rejected RDM | 122340

    so i was listening music then took heli see what going on around then this guy start shooting at me with out demands
  6. A

    Approved RDM | 338040

    i was taking to admin to fix my sounds and trying sell some stuff then i went to backyard to see if someone there i didnt shoot nothing didnt give demands either then this guy start to shoot on me for no resone
  7. A

    Reviewed cheater| 359518

    That’s even not a green zone
  8. A

    Reviewed cheater| 359518

    Ya but still ur so many bully’s and 0 damage
  9. A

    Reviewed cheater| 359518

    Looks ur health not going down at all no damage
  10. A

    Reviewed cheater| 359518

    its happen at informal we been shooting this so many time my hes health not going down at all plus he was very laggy
  11. A

    Reviewed Pov Request | 000000

    wrong chat my bad
  12. A

    Reviewed Pov Request | 000000

    wdym no one was killing u
  13. A

    Rejected UB DEMANDS| 369447| 194365

    i was at my fam house selling some fruits even tho my house is outside the city those ppl give me demands while i was standing in side my property remmber they can rob me or give me demands if i was on the highway but as u can see in the video they inter my property and give me demands witch is...
  14. A

    Approved CR and VDM

    its start at 4:00 mins on video
  15. A

    Rejected CR in GZ

    push my car to the water when i was fishing
  16. A

    Rejected RDM and UB DEMAND I 356029

    He start to kill ppl after the raid when its over laso he told me fuck ur son
  17. A

    Rejected DM

    So we pull up with our fam to informal and those 2 guys just start to shoot on use for no resone and no dimins
  18. A

    Approved power gaming | ID: 9116

    Robbing me when he holding is gun on his hand
  19. A

    Approved GR 6.5 | ID 33449

    ID 33449 Kill 2 EMS with no rezone
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