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  1. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    I did not defraud anyone, if you have it, please provide proof. :D
  2. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    I have presented evidence of all the complaints you have made about me here, and the admins will see this. Also, the last evidence I sent is related to this time, 24.02.2024. Your aim is to reflect an event that I did not do. Show all your evidence, everything will be revealed.
  3. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    https://hizliresim.com/6d8n8zz https://hizliresim.com/omilt9b jjisi0n.png In the forum opened to me, the evidence is here. Also, they only show what I put in the vehicle. And the family leader gives me the authority and since I thought this would not be a problem, I distributed the items to the...
  4. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    i put those medkits at the trunk from my own enventory. I didnt used family’s money for buying the medkits how they can open a complaint abaout me my own items. These items are my own only putted and took from family cars trunk.
  5. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    https://hizliresim.com/jjisi0n https://hizliresim.com/6d8n8zz As you can see here, my evidence that I put and received and even distributed my own items to people is ready here.
  6. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    The reason for buying these guns and bullets is for informal purposes, and you have always given me authority, which is evident in the picture I posted. Also, you should create a video of me stealing items and show everything.
  7. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    By the way, it is not 260 medkit, it is 150 medkit for my own duty. I throw it in the family trunk and throw it back into my own vehicle, as can be seen in the picture you shared there.?
  8. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    What is the evidence here? This is my only evidence. I have no other evidence to offer. Also, how can I get the evidence for everything? omilt9b.png
  9. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    and I take the medkits there myself and throw them into my own vehicle. These are all for the battlepass mission.
  10. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    And as you can see there, I never stole an item. If I had stolen an item, why would I do this? It was this family leader who authorized me for informal work and I gave many items to people.?
  11. S

    Reviewed Rule of Scam GR 6.22 | 253387

    omilt9b.png Here, they authorize me, including the family leader, and I have done everything in this family for months. You can examine me in any way. If I were unreliable or theft, why could I be here for months? Please review...
  12. S

    Approved Meta Gaming & CL | 253387 & 249086

    How do I do metagaming here? My hands are handcuffed and I don't know what that person is doing there. Where is metaglama here? Also, what does that have to do with the fact that the texter on his phone is me? :D
  13. S

    Rejected Warn for Stalling | Arda Tateman

    Even though there are four of us here, you don't fit this role. You cannot interfere with the role in any way. What you need to do is focus on your role and do what is necessary. If you think we have made a mistake you should complain to the forum. If you have evidence, you can complain, it says...
  14. S

    Approved PG + VDM + CL | 206620,281445

    Yes, as my friend said, you deliberately hit me
  15. S

    Approved PG + VDM + CL | 206620,281445

    You are really criticizing our family with black humor, please watch the video again. At 1:22, the microphone comes out. Sometimes there is no sound from the game, and as proof of this, even though I talk to the microphone there, the sound comes out. Our managers will see this. I wish everyone a...
  16. S

    Approved Fail Rp stalling-165142

    As a result, you are breaking the role, you will continue the role and we called an admin there and you are breaking the role, if there is a problem, you will open a topic and complain. Your problem in this game is that you will continue your role there.
  17. S

    Approved Fear RP | 353202

  18. S

    Rejected GR 6.2 300961

  19. S

    Approved GR 6.2 |254403

  20. S

    Approved GR 6.2 |60873

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