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  1. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Reviewed Unrealistic Name | Jessica Odds

    Hello, Im so sorry to be wasting anytime with this. Me and a few other people had the last name Xoxo which is a real used surname in the world, I attached in proofs my conversation with Jessica, she told me any name must be an actual used name, and I provided her with proof that the name is a...
  2. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Approved Unban appeal GR 1.7 | Jonny odds

    Dear Mazhor, I am really sorry that I am even having to make this appeal, I was banned for 1.7 and I am so sorry that I did not know the rules properly, I was informed by someone i trusted on the rules for transferring within a family and I was very wrong to listen to anyone else about the...
  3. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected Gen 6.9 | 283165

    I put out an ad and this person messaged me to harrass me, I can show the whole conversation, I was asking why they messaged me and they just continued to abuse me. Sexual verbal abuse is the worst and he proceeded to do that. What he said is in proofs
  4. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Approved Leader of LifeInvader | Sully RaNell

    Hes kind and fair to everyone! Best leader!
  5. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GZ1.1 | Ruby Specter

    We were actually running into ghetto to be away from green zone, it was just a friendly battle between spouses no harm and only our family members were near us. It wont happen again
  6. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Approved RDM | 288816

    All in pov. Was sitting at beach and he rdms me
  7. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    Post what? Idk what anyone else said and Im not responsible for what anyone said, as far as "friends" go, most people in the city are "friends" with most people, that doesnt mean they agree or support anything they say. Thats the danger of these rumors, when you speak about someone that you...
  8. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    Hey cherry, I’ve never met you icly and we have no messages ocly. How do you know who my friends are? That’s a quick judgement. Also you run around with some of the same people that have made life absolute hell for some girls in the city? I don’t have to know you to see the people you run with...
  9. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    My banned husband? lmao Again you are speaking and you don't know what you are talking about, this is the issue that started all of this, you are going around gossiping about a girl you don't even know. Obviously when you start cussing me out first calling me a cunt and telling me you hate me, I...
  10. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    But we are the toxic ones? Lol xD
  11. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    You dont even know me summer, I dont think any female in this entire city would appreciate a random girl going around making comments about them working on their ooc life. That was highly over the line for you, you spoke about me icly and ocly, you have no right to tell anyone I'm working on...
  12. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GR 6.10 | 34592

    Hey summer, why didnt you mention that you are going around the city spreading false rumors that also include my oc life? I have the pov of it, your mad you got called out. Those messages which you can share here in the forums will show that I am asking you to stop spreading false rumors and I...
  13. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected Leader of Life Invader | Bubbles Mazoku

    Information 1. Your name IRL: Amber Layne 3. Time zone: CST 4. Average online per day: 10-12 hours 5. Your Discord: Nonametho 6. Your Nickname: Bubbles Mazoku Additional information Leader of Life Invader 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons...
  14. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected LR 1.7 | 38313

    You promised him something in EXCHANGE for votes though. You knowingly knew he was helping you based off the fact he would be deputy so you took advantage of that.
  15. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected LR 1.7 | 38313

    He was literally saying this to everyone, and at the end of it he promotes his friends that haven’t even been around ic. He’s also lying in the name of admins aswell which should be considered admin disrespect
  16. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected LR 1.7 | 38313

    We have literal ss and proof of what he’s doing so no one is targeting anyone. He had to beg everyone and promise everything just to win We aren’t just talking about that, it’s what he’s doing overall, he’s deceiving even in the name of admins.
  17. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected LR 1.7 | 38313

    We have literal ss and proof of what he’s doing so no one is targeting anyone. He had to beg everyone and promise everything just to win.
  18. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected Leader Rule 1.7 | 38313

    I was listed as deputy gov on the party list as I was told that is what I would be made when signing the contract, when jose won he immediately made me deputy, and gave me roles. One of his friends decided they wanted to be deputy and he removed me for them, I then confronted him about it which...
  19. BubblesMazoku4Life<33

    Rejected GOV Corrupt Bio | Bubbles Mazoku | 26447

    Name: Bubbles Mazoku DOB:04/29/1998 Gender: Female Nationality: American Sexuality: Straight Place of Birth: Tennessee Residence: Los Santos Mother: Judy Cushman Weight: 150 Height: 5'9 Natural Eye Color: Blue Natural Hair Color: Brown. Life Growing up Bubbles grew up in a fairly conservative...
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