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Search results

  1. I

    Approved VDM | 12696

    im doing my job protecting this city! hope you and your family are safe and well,hope ems took care of you and your family members,these people will recieve a punishment soon
  2. I

    Approved VDM | 12696

    That is impissible,the city (server) does not have such functions to put your brain on auto pilot mode! please stop lying and recieve you punishment you filthy rule breaker!
  3. I

    Approved VDM | 12696

    Listen up. First things first the RS 4 does not have auto pilot,its a gas car and only ELECTRIC CARS have autopilot,so you are lying and decieving admins you liars. Also punish these darn rule breakers,thank you admins for keeping the city safe,long live grand!!!
  4. I

    Rejected Mute for no reason

    Provide POV Chester right now!!!
  5. I

    Reviewed POV Request | 96285

    bro got clapped by a 96k id on en2 get gud ya noobs
  6. I

    Approved pov request | 271535

    Hi my friend doesn’t have a forum account he logged into his account which said he needs to provide pov it’s past 48 hours since event and he’s deleted the pov where do we go from here now …event rule 1.7 says he only needs to hold it for 48 hours he no longer has the event pov to provide
  7. I

    Approved pov request | 271535

    Its been 48 hours since event
  8. I

    Rejected 6.19, using F-word in Family chat

    fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,sorry fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck oops
  9. I

    Approved POV Request | 216539

  10. I

    Approved POV Request | 216539

    Opium is my favourite felon free my mans
  11. I

    Rejected close

    get smoked pussio
  12. I

    Rejected Leader The Families

    you are gonna be the best leder!!!
  13. I

    Approved RDM | 255935

  14. I

    Rejected VDM|148360

  15. I

    Approved RDM in city|148360

    you vdm me so i rdm youu!!!!!!
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