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Search results

  1. J

    Approved Unban Appeal I Mazhor

    Dear administration! I've been banned for General Rule 6.3 or theft from stock. I think that the admin made a mistake because I don't have those things from the organization or they were returned to the warehouse or they were lost from the entrance to the city due to PRIME or in actions - which...
  2. J

    Rejected Ban za G.P. 6.3 I Zoky Navaro

    Postovani administracijo! Banovan sam za Generalno pravila 6.3 ili kradja iz skladista. Ja mislim da je admin pogresio jer ja nemam te stvari od organizacije ili su vracene u skladiste ili su izgubljene iz ulazka u grada zbog PRIME-A ili u akcijama - sto mozete i proveriti u logovima. Voleo...
  3. J

    Approved G.P. 4.1 I Aldin Verstappen

    Admin je mene kaznio za Generalno pravila 4.1. Ali taj redux i gunpack su dozvoljeni na serveru.
  4. J

    Approved G.P. 6.7 I ID: 27505

    Sve se vidi u povu.
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