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Search results

  1. E

    Rejected Title: Admin Application | Alexander Admas

    Information Your name IRL: Alexander Your age (OOC): 18 Time zone + country: EST, USA. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX: XX to XX: XX Using 24H Time Format): I can play on the afternoon around 5:00PM EST-12AM. Average online per day(hours): It really depends if...
  2. E

    Rejected I wanna know why I don't see nothing on my inventory.

    It's been 2 days I haven't gotten my things back I had lots of things in my inventory and I wanna report this because it's not fair I don't have my items with me.
  3. E

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Alexander 16 years old. Eastern Standard Time 9-10 hours during Monday - Friday 10+ hours during Saturday-Sunday Epic#6272 You can call me Alex 28863 I’m interested in becoming an Admin because I’m willing to work hard, try to never give up I always love helping people try to answer...
  4. E

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Alexander 16 years old. Eastern Standard Time 9-10 hours during Monday - Friday 10+ hours during Saturday-Sunday Epic#6272 You can call me Alex 28863 I’m interested in becoming an Admin because I’m willing to work hard, try to never give up I always love helping people try to answer...
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