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Search results

  1. S

    Rejected Demorgan for RDM | Anderson Fade

    Roleplay: to act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy. In a role play scenario as a crime family member, Would they watch their brother die in their own driveway and walk up to the man and kill him, OR would they walk up to...
  2. S

    Rejected Demorgan for RDM | Anderson Fade

    I Also want to add, this was a Demorgan AND warning, the message didn't appear when I joined the server...
  3. S

    Rejected Demorgan for RDM | Anderson Fade

    As you can see on this forum post, I "Dale Opps" Most definitely did shoot and kill the attacker, HOWEVER I pulled up on the situation as he was killing my family member NouNou, If you were roleplaying a FAMILY, and you watched someone shoot your FAMILY MEMBER, Would you be sitting their giving...
  4. S

    Rejected Forum Rule 9 BAN EVADING | ID 185136

    This guy is evading his forum ban after disrespecting admins...
  5. S

    Rejected OOC insult | 67807

    Since when is club chat OOC? ~This is not offtopic as dizzle asked me to say this lol
  6. S

    Approved Random punching and shooting and provaking|273473,155207,276220

    I didn't say I WASN'T provoking, just stating how I interpreted it.. I'm at the admins mercy obviously at this point. But why break rp, by rdming us, run down the street, come back, and act like we're gonna rp when YOU broke rp.. To the admins of this server, I am sorry, you deal with so many...
  7. S

    Approved Random punching and shooting and provaking|273473,155207,276220

    A. How the **** were we metagaming? B. add about 6 minutes to the front of that clip, you were rdming across the street. I will happily take my "Random" Punching, but their is no DEATH match in this video... no one died, I was not in my opinion provoking, I was more questioning why they wanted...
  8. S

    Reviewed rdm | 273473

    My long povs audio was corrupt, so this is the only pov I have to defend myself i guess... but as i said, I climb over the wall, and shot at you and the red guy, after seeing my leader dead on the ground, and as I said, I didnt mean to rdm you, you were fleeing from an active gunfight and i...
  9. S

    Reviewed rdm | 273473

    your friend said I pulled up and tried to sell him my car and killed him, that was not me that was 169652, seems like he is the one deceiving admins, where do you ever see me INTENTIONALLY kill you, or give ANYONE demands? I went into an active gunfight scenario, that you were walking around in...
  10. S

    Reviewed rdm | 273473

    169652 is not in opps, admins can check this, 169652 also is not me... tf
  11. S

    Reviewed rdm | 273473

    Are you speaking about the lamborghini in beginning of karthiks pov? that was not me LOL I also want to add, If you ask smack rose, i shot him while running at me, then apologized quickly. I thought he was also shooting at my family.
  12. S

    Reviewed rdm | 273473

    you were near an active gunfight scenario, someone killed my fam leader in the street, i climb over the wall and the first person i saw was red guy, and you aswell, I shot you because you were running away, I did not mean to rdm. you shouldn't be near an active gunfight if you don't want to...
  13. S

    Approved RDM | 4935

    Was afk for 5ish minutes, when i came back i was dead...
  14. S

    Rejected Close

  15. S

    Approved VDM + Bug Abuse | 124134

    he never left our driveway? And the car is bugged as you cannot be shot inside it, but it isn't an armored car. Edit. He left my property for a whole 10 seconds.
  16. S

    Approved Vdm + Rdm | 290443,273473

    Why are you standing in an active gunfight scenario? I was shooting at the red guy and see someone running away and shot you... I didn't mean to rdm. PS I am ID 273473.
  17. S

    Approved VDM + Bug Abuse | 124134

    He vdm's me and abuses a bugged car to harass me until he decides to hop out...
  18. S

    Approved FailRP+FearRP + Provoking | 270898, 262379, 173996

    hate to break it to ya buddy, but metagaming doesn't exist when a god is on scene, once a god is there everything is ooc. also, the god would have to tell him they are there for him to know they were there, that being said, he told me in person after the god spoke to him, hence zero...
  19. S

    Approved FailRP+FearRP + Provoking | 270898, 262379, 173996

    These guys came here to provoke, I issued them demands away from my solar panel, and they ignored my demands and when they were dead they were still trying argue there was no solar panel.
  20. S

    Reviewed Provoking | ID 270898

    this guy came to my fam house and decided to start provoking
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