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  1. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected unban appeal | 256952

    This guy is from my fam and i know him since last 4 months. I do not think so that he had done anything wrong. You can even check his logs even if he had done anything wrong. He got scammed by someone. You must enquire properly and then take action about it and also you should unban his account.
  2. Abhi Grewal

    Approved VDM I 249541

    Do not miss dictation classes in school little bro ❤️
  3. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected Fail RP | 222562

    The guy was asking you again and again and telling you that he is debt collector. Why you didn't comply with him ? Why you did not answered to him as you are in the game. You doing fail rp by not answering to him. So he did his procedure and take his debt 😂
  4. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected VDM+RDM+POLİCE PİT | ID: 247474,256645,222562,278631

    admin you can also see that she cut down the whole audio from the clip as in that we were saying her to stop and even she did not upload the full rp situation. and even we were just making her fear to stop if we want to kill her we can kill only in one or two shots. ask her to upload full video...
  5. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected VDM+RDM+POLİCE PİT | ID: 247474,256645,222562,278631

    we was working as debt collector and she was not listening to our demands. even we say her that you are doing fail rp. if you do not want to give debt then say us no. She did not even stop and did not comply with us
  6. Abhi Grewal

    Approved EMS GR 6.12 | 42739

    You can see clear id number in this post
  7. Abhi Grewal

    Approved EMS GR 6.12 | 42739

    All in pov. Watch till end.
  8. Abhi Grewal

    Reviewed RDM + MK + CHEATS I 273523

    what are you doing admins. No one is taking action on it
  9. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected RDM Mercy kill | ID 0000

    No admin is taking any action against these players who are using cheats like him. I also had uploaded a lot of videos against 'em
  10. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected RDM Mercy kill | ID 0000

    He is using aimbot man. It is clear in your video 😂😂
  11. Abhi Grewal

    Reviewed RDM + MK + CHEATS I 273523

    A guy came under our family house in a rented bugatti and killed me from a far distance. We have uploaded a lot of pov about this as he is using aimbots and 400x damage. How a common player can kill from there you also know very well.
  12. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected using cheats and aimbot and using many ids id number 276051

    Posted a lot of times before but nobody is taking strict action on it. IP adress of this id number should be banned otherwise we have to talk to higher administrator. Our last POV is also pending from two days which is under supervision of Spy Rider and he had not made any decision yet. Even it...
  13. Abhi Grewal

    Reviewed using cheats mk ID 273523, 276048

    Yup how a guy can kill a player even in a 300 speed bugatti. That is only possible with hacks or cheats. 😬
  14. Abhi Grewal

    Rejected RDM I 261504

    shooting and killing people without any reason near auto fair. and killed me too. what is going on city lord?
  15. Abhi Grewal

    Approved RDM I 160960

    i was just going to my home from beach market. And this man cam and kill me without any reason. need justice asap.
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