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Search results

  1. Alko wick

    Approved Fear RP | 321846

    All in pov
  2. Alko wick

    Approved Gen 1.1| mazhor pluxury

    My id is 238806 sorry its mistake i put false id?
  3. Alko wick

    Approved Gen 1.1| mazhor pluxury

    Hello Mazhor, I got banned for Gen Rule 1.1. I do not object to the punishment and its right, but it was long time ago and I already talk to you in discord, informing you about my mistake/rule break. I changed my epic account to steam account because my epic account got hacked. I couldn’t get...
  4. Alko wick

    Approved RDM | 263408

    ID 233190 also with him the guy first shot by shutgun all in pov
  5. Alko wick

    Approved RDM | 263408

    this guy kill me with out any demend and befor i miss control my helli and i try to help this guy this guy come and kill me
  6. Alko wick

    Rejected GR 6.15, Fail RP, GR 3.1 | 263739

    Chek your pov guys then come and talk he cut pov at time 3:20 request all pov i the guy say the are 5 people u are dont have eyes bro go see him pov then come say XD
  7. Alko wick

    Rejected GR 6.15, Fail RP, GR 3.1 | 263739

    First u come we give u demands u alone then your friends come by back like meta gaming and also your panel is UB because dont have any way to go to roof u need jump in next roof for this room (UB solar panel) he planted and we will see brother go read rules then come make your fourm we give u...
  8. Alko wick

    Rejected GR 6.15, Fail RP, GR 3.1 | 263739

    Why u cut your pov when u talking to FBI and say him some guys in roof and is with gang shot him he cut pov at time 3:20 request all pov
  9. Alko wick

    Rejected GR 6.15, Fail RP, GR 3.1 | 263739

    And u need to Listen and give u demented u need leave not talking
  10. Alko wick

    Rejected GR 6.15, Fail RP, GR 3.1 | 263739

    request all pov 10 minutes first give him demands and we kill him then he can back again and one gang shot the FBI this guy talk to officers shut this 3 people and this guy also in FBI he is him friend
  11. Alko wick

    Rejected doxing | 34974

  12. Alko wick

    Rejected doxing | 34974

    the guy scam me and i report him in forum then he try to find me at email and he want i delete my fourm he know i dont delete then he go find me by my instegram and send my photo also he say u will band me in grand rp im gona band your instagram profile
  13. Alko wick

    Rejected scam | 34974

    Someone replay to me
  14. Alko wick

    Rejected scam | 34974

    this guy want sell pet food and he say people selling for 1m then i say i have offer for 600k and he give me 550k first then he sell me dog food
  15. Alko wick

    Rejected RDM |251533

    this guy RDM in place find scrap and UB demands
  16. Alko wick

    Rejected Discord ban appeal

    Hello dear admins, one day i just copy and paste ads from channel to sell one item then i got banned until now please help me thanks in advice. Discord username: kfalko Discord id no.: 715296926689525860
  17. Alko wick

    Approved vdm 10603

    this guy want to kill me by cat when he know i call god he stoped and keep going
  18. Alko wick

    Approved RDM | 302133 and 294523

    the guys kill me and my friend and another people in park
  19. Alko wick

    Approved 252341 rdm in green zone

    rdm 252341
  20. Alko wick

    Approved 285366 general 6.8 and RDM

    can someone replay to me
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