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  1. Tyler Liquid

    Approved G.R 6.19 | 16877

    Slept for 17 hours due to graduation parties etc, Youre right on that but still mane..
  2. Tyler Liquid

    Approved G.R 6.19 | 16877

    Was sleeping, sorry for time zones exists, Glad youre commenting though, you know you guys were in the wrong
  3. Tyler Liquid

    Approved G.R 6.19 | 16877

    There wasmt really that much before but okey
  4. Tyler Liquid

    Approved G.R 6.19 | 16877

    Crazy no one deals w this..
  5. Tyler Liquid

    Approved G.R 6.19 | 16877

    Called me the F slur cuuh
  6. Tyler Liquid

    Rejected Ban for Bug Abuse | Mazhor Pluxury

    Heyo, In this post Reviewed - Ban for Anticheat #1004 | Napal Fedorov I got perma banned by Anti cheat, Decided to come clean and say what happened but i did not expect a 60 day ban, I feel this is pretty long for what i did as this being my first ever ban and ive seen others get smalled bans...
  7. Tyler Liquid

    Reviewed Ban for Anticheat #1004 | Napal Fedorov

    Was doing Office Tasks with a friend, Bug abused to shoot the gun faster by switching to melee and back to gun in a private arena match. I will take a ban for bug abusing but not this.. I have not cheated in any way and im down for PC Check etc if thatd be needed. Thank you
  8. Tyler Liquid

    Reviewed GR 1.3 | 136785

    To whichever admin will be taking this, recommend an actual selling/buying menu for battlepass instead of js gifting, This is crazy..
  9. Tyler Liquid

    Rejected Rdm and Pov request I 100365 and 30176

    First of all, It is clear as day that we could shoot you before you even loaded in, Check ur minimap, Fix ur pc its shit, Second of, We used Heavy Shotguns + rev so of course youre gonna take a shit ton of damage, Third, Maybe dont post a forum 2 days after it happened, Your forum is gonna get...
  10. Tyler Liquid

    Approved CR I 139749

    he cr me ouchies :(
  11. Tyler Liquid

    IMPORTANT Applications for Lifeinvader

    1. Your name IRL: William Hamilton 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: GMT +2 4. Average online per day: 8-12 hours 5. Your Discord: waterless. 6. Your Nickname: Tyler Liquid 7. Your ID: 30176 Additional information 1. Leader of: LifeInvader 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  12. Tyler Liquid

    Rejected Looten auf dem Flugzeugträger während Angriff

    I think you in the wrong server man
  13. Tyler Liquid

    Approved GR 3.2 I 56668

    All in POV :(
  14. Tyler Liquid

    Approved ER 1.13 I 20775

    Edited title, Put wrong rule break at first oops
  15. Tyler Liquid

    Approved ER 1.13 I 20775

    All in POV :catPls:
  16. Tyler Liquid

    Approved gr 6.15 I 19937

    All in POV
  17. Tyler Liquid

    Rejected Fear RP | 30176, 100365

    For the fun of it, Here you go. I did have armor as well so more of a reason for me to not fear 🤷
  18. Tyler Liquid

    Rejected Fear RP | 30176, 100365

    I do not have to post my POV as it is not a circle event unless i feel like it, Im waiting and ill make my decision later depending on their POV
  19. Tyler Liquid

    Rejected Fear RP | 30176, 100365

    If you stop shaking so much maybe then youll hit some more, Soz man Also why would i show fear if i know i most likely wont die, Dont really make sense to me
  20. Tyler Liquid

    Reviewed CR | 97393

    Heres for the people thinking "yOu CanT AbUse DeSynC" https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/343546/#post-1235756 It happens way more then people think, Id be glad to list a few more as well, This is just 1 of many..
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