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  1. L

    Approved CR | 272442

    was finishing getting money out from atm and this dude decides to car ram my car
  2. L

    Approved CR | 291150

    was inside fixing up my car for like 5 minutes and this person starts car ramming me
  3. L

    Approved CR | 55994

    so i was about to mine when i see a car in the corner coming fast and i already knew he was going to car ram
  4. L

    Rejected POV Request | 82259

    theyre were two parts where i was suspicious but the most sus was at the beginning when i was mid air falling and he hits me
  5. L

    Approved CR | 258024

    i literally just finished the summer event, so im running down the street from the hills. But as you can see im running on the side of the road because theres no sidewalk and avoid getting hit. so i see this guy driving his bike on my left side. he sees me and goes straight for me, and with a...
  6. L

    Approved CR+EVENT RULE 1.2 & 1.11 I 224717

    This family has the tendancy to raid us which us fun but the toxicity and the amount of rule breaking is unbearable, so im calling my members to get ready to defend and the family that is raiding us has a person damaging our armor and our health before we go in and provoking us. I posted two...
  7. L

    Approved RDM | 278604

    Guy shot me outside of red zone after coming from beach market
  8. L

    Rejected 173425 | RDM

    went to market to look around, but i left the part where i parked, just skipped the part where i was buying, after my brother in law notices my car way out in red zone and these two guys in the bugatti were just waiting in the corner
  9. L

    Approved RDM | 286384

    came to my fam house and ended up finding these guys dead, other guy saying not to revive them cause they were RDMing but when i went to try to revive my fam member i just stayed in the drive way and the same guy said that they were RDMing, RDMed me for no reason, i wasnt talking the whole time...
  10. L

    Approved RDM | 188780

    went afk to use restroom and came back being revived my the cops
  11. L

    Approved RDM | 217652

    this guy ran me over didn't even think to stop to say sorry or I would've forgave him but ended up confronting him and he killed me on the back
  12. L

    Approved RDM | 212547

    I was trying to go back to my car from selling items at marketplace and random dude shot and killed me.
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