- Hi, I got banned because of attempting tax evasion. Let me explain myself first, I got scammed by 132018. In earlier that day, he told me that he want to give 2m without taxes and wanted me to sell the car to him for 300k. I told him no at first and then he tried to persuade me. In the POV, I did not suggest him to do tax evading. I was summarizing the thing he wanted from me. In the clip im saying "you want to do 2m cash and 300k with exchange right?" I am not suggesting that we need to do this. I just summarized the thing he said to me earlier in that day but he was clever enough to not to put that in the video. Also, I said "lets go to the car first" in the video and I tried to persuade him to do it normal way. Of course he did not put it in the video. The trade had never happened because i did not want to do that way. He just cropped a little part Of the video to make me seem like a tax evader.