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May 25, 2022
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Hoods Roots

Dec 24, 2021
Hello Mazhor,

since the administrators of the server do not act properly in my eyes, I am going to you now and am therefore looking for an answer as what the ban is supposed to be. First of all, I want to say that I am not innocent and that I made my mistakes, but that I will now be sanctioned or better said, being banned from this server for 30 days makes me really angry and sad at the same time. I put money into the game like many others, but I will lose it in the next 30 days. I was unjustly banned once before and it can't be that I always lose everything because I lose it not only ingame but also in real life. I don't want to put pressure on, or anyone my request would only be to unban me and doesnt allow a hate kick to be pushed on me from the side of the Administrators of the Server DE4. If there is no unbanning, I will take this situation to court and also the few gaps in the terms and conditions and the consents that have to be made will have a negative effect on the game or better the server and would also ask for my money back.

my situation that i committed is the following and due to the fact that i was shot by the ballas after i was dead i rdm the people and after i died i closed the game due to some technical problems and i got a banned

the situation wasn't even that rdm but i was the first got rdm before i committed this act because you have to say people who did this and just do it like that but who are not jailed make fun of it. I lost a lot of money because of these things. The weapons I lost alone were worth about 500k in the game, so understand the frustration!!!

everyone who do rdm or even say words that family members or others say insults get 3-7 days and i get 30 what is that supposed to lead to everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

from that, not everyone gets a ban, but a warning and or a jail term of 180 minutes, which I would have appreciated, but 30 days directly is unacceptable, incorrect and only causes frustration and ignorance on the part of the administrators side of the server

this is not meant to be threatening or scary in any way i just want to show that i shouldn't be treated like that otherwise i will consider these things.

!!! which I hope I have portrayed well !!!

Despite the things that have gone wrong now, I would like to say that I am looking forward to an answer here and wish a nice day.

Rave Kush

Tom Cloud

Sep 29, 2021
Moin Rave,

wenn deine Beschwerde vom Curator of Project bearbeitet werden soll, musst du diesen Prefix auch beim erstellen der Beschwerde auswählen - So bearbeite ich diese.

Um dir auch mal kurz einen Überblick zu geben - Du hast seit du bei uns Spielst mittlerweile folgendes Arsenal an Regelbrüchen gesammelt:

2x Baiting
1x Eventregel 1.1
4x Car-Ramming
10x RDM
1x Greenzone 1.2
1x Greenzone 1.4
7x UN-RP
7x Combat-Loging
1x Ghetto 1.4
5x AFK-Bot
5x Fail-RP
2x Essen/Heilen im Schussgefecht
1x Admin Beleidigung
6x VDM
2x Revenge Killing
3x Nach weniger als 15 Minuten zurück in den Kampf
4x Trotz des Aufwachens im Krankenhaus an Situation erinnert
1x Provokation

Dein Verhalten zeigt nur das du dich trotz Zahlreicher Sanktionen und Spielstunden bei uns nach wie vor nicht mit dem Regelwerk auseinander gesetzt hast bzw. diese Regeln anscheinend einfach nicht befolgen möchtest.
Dementsprechend sehen wir uns natürlich gezwungen deine Sanktionen entsprechend zu erhöhen, da du aus einem einfachen Jail o. Ä nicht zu lernen scheinst.

Da die Strafe etwas hoch angesetzt ist, werde ich diese auf 14 Tage reduzieren. Solltest du allerdings nach deiner Sanktion weiterhin am laufenden Band Regeln brechen, uneinsichtig sein und das RP-Erlebnis der anderen Spieler beeinträchtigen werden wir die Sanktionen weiter und weiter erhöhen müssen.

Viele Grüße,
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