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Rejected Royal Blood - Unofficial Family Application

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Randy Don

Dec 23, 2021
Family Name: Royal Blood
Family owner: Discord:Sonex#8970
Family house: Number: 1038
Family owner: Name and ID: Randy Don #92097
Family owner: Forum profile: Randy Don
Family Leader: Name and ID: Randy Don #92097

Family History:

Royal bloods story starts in the 80's, the original movement that started 10 years before the bloods had started to seperate into different factions. The creation of Royal Bloods was started by Randy Don an OG Bloods member from Cali. His tremendous wealth brought by crack also allowed the Royal Bloods to expand out of Los Angeles and eventually into Los Santos. In the early 1990s, the East Coast Bloods, known as the united Blood nation, were founded by OG Mack in Rikers Island correctional facility in New York, and soon expanded throughout the entire east. Randy and OG Mack knew each other well but had never been friends. they were both too alike, pushing their organisations to control more and expand faster. These eastern sets, like the original West Coast Bloods, lack any allegiance to a central organizational structure. This always annoyed the rest of bloods and started small arguments, arguments that would never die as no one would enforce a solution. This lead to more and more hostility between The Royal Bloods and The United Blood Nation. In 2003, National drug intelligence center estimated that there were somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 members who affiliated themselves in some way with the bloods gang. This caused them huge problems as the gangs would often fight each other as Randy and OG Mack had started to clash over terortories more and more. With close to 10,000 members just between these two factions the clashes were getting out of hand. The streets became a warzone. No one was safe. Law enforcement were forced to act in any way possible, OG Mack was already in prison so Randy became their main focus. Randy had already expanded out to Los Santos but decided to move himself there while the heat died down. Many differernt Blood members had tried to straighten out the war between the two factions none had suceeded. Both Randy and OG Mack seemed happy to leave the situation where it was and still to this day refuse to address the situation and keep royal bloods warring with United Bloods. The struggles for turf and product continues and the heat is still as high as it was when Randy left. Over the years both sides have taken many attempts at taking the other out with no success.

Family Goals:

Profitable organization for members of the family through business ownership

ensure no gun is untrained and every member of the family is a deadly force

ensure safety from state organizations through bribes and fear

control market areas

A welcoming family for members from all backgrounds with ability to support all career choices.

Be able to place our fam members in legal and illegal organisations true members that are High Commands in such organisations.

Family structure:

10. Leader
9. Manager
8. OG
7. Right Hand
6. Shotcaller
5. Hit Squad
4. Sergeant
3. Soldier
2. Trainiee
1. Recruit

Family Rules:

#1 If you are inactive for 2 weeks+ you will get kicked. You're always welcome to come back but we want to be more active. Tell the OG's / RH's if you need to go out of the city for more then 2 weeks, we then put that in the logs so you wont be kicked.

#2 If you get fined with a fam car you will get a car strike and pay the fine, 2 car strikes and you will be put to affiliate for 4 days and will only be able to drive a manchez from the family.

#3 If a fam car gets impounded and the logs show you were driving it you will be giving the affilliate rank immediatly by one of the OG's for 4 days wich include another 4 days of manchez time. If someone else gets the car impounded the punishment will go to the one who takes it out of the garage. You take the car out, you are responsible! Of course again you pay the fines.

#4 The (8) OG will choose people to be their right hand each month, you will get HC status, drive HC cars put some ideas up for discussion and have the power to put people in to place if needed. You can be asked to have a second month if you are showing that you are fit for the job.

#5 If you're not playing by the fam rules you will get striked, also if you talk disrespectfully to HC, if you are actually insulting them ooc you will get kicked and blacklisted. 3 strikes and you will get kicked!

#6 There will be a zero tolerance of racism/discrimination/sexism. A joke is a joke but think before you say things. Try not to hurt one another. This also apply's for ingame names. You will get kicked and blacklisted

Family Logo:

Family clothing:

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Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

The Family Was Removed From Unofficial Twice, Last time Was on 15/5/2022, Reapply in 2 Months, wont be Given Unofficial Until Then.​
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