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Corlos Mount

EX Director of SS and EX Deputy of Police
Aug 21, 2021
Family name - Gin Family
Family owner -Corlos Gin
Family house number -Building 825 House 43
Family owners discord -Sifo#0161
Family owners forum - https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/4951/

History of Gin

In 1999 London. Corlos was a poor boy on a poor estate he grew only knowing guns and hate that's where Some people can not relate, So Corlos moved from London to La and took mumz with him so he knew she was ok, Met with the boys and they were all great, and now this is where my story begins, So Corlos found a plug his face looking smug told me he had a home, food and a whip he told me he would back my beef and see him on the flip took the keys to his Lambo then he dipped, Corlos With a grin but there was another side to him they did not see laughing it and gassing thinking they were free but Nathan had something up his sleeve. So the next day Nathan saw me asked if i would go and plant some seeds so as a loyal employee I went up to the mountain hoping I would make some peas , as i was up there i met with a crew they told me everything I needed to do and now Nathan I'm coming for you.

Create one of the largest organizations
Make enough money for the whole crew
Robbery of personal property
be involved in various businesses

Ranks of the family:

1st Rank - Rookie - New to the family
2nd Rank - Advanced - Been in the family for 2 weeks
3rd Rank - Senior - Worked for the family and come to raid, Family wars etc
4th Rank - Killer - Has good aim and active
5th Rank - Hitman - Best of the best in killing
6th Rank - Veteran - has been in for over 1 month
7th Rank - Kingpin - Loyal to the family and reliable
8th Rank - The Professor - Founder of the family

Family Colours:

Purple and Black.
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Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021

Upload your logo to imgur.com
and correct your title
and mention some of the ways you will maintain your family to keep running
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Corlos Mount

EX Director of SS and EX Deputy of Police
Aug 21, 2021
To maintain are family and keep it running we will be:

Purchasing and Controlling Businesses
Robbing outside of the city and in the Ghetto
Sales of weapons and ammunition in and around the black market
Stealing Expensive Cars

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021

send me details of =
family name
family owner name and id
family house number
family owner forums profile link
family owner discord id and tag

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
Give me the correct number which is your family house
"Family house number -Building 825 House 43"

Give any 1 number​

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021

I accept your unofficial ORG bio thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules and don't go aganist the server scripts.
you will given unofficial status within 24 hours ingame and discord.
and don't forget to recruit more people i'll be checking how much members you will be having in 1 week
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