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Approved Application For National Guard Leader | Ashura Evans

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Ashura Evans

Oct 13, 2021
1. Your name IRL
- Aarush
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 6-8 Hours | Can Be More On Weekends
5. Your Discord - Ashura#3810
6. Your Nickname - Ashura Evans
7. Your ID - 63227

Additional Information

Leader Of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I Want To Be The Leader Of The National Guard Because Of The Following Reasons :

A) Experience - I Have Been In National Guard For More Than 8 Months Now . I Have Been On Every Rank Starting From Private To Major , From Leading Small Teams To Ammoruns , Homeland Security Department , Airforce Department , Ghetto Patrols And The Whole National Guard . I Have Spent A Lot Of Time And Dedication To This Org And Made Very Good Friends . I Have Been A Part Of Mainly All Departments In National Guard And Was A Leader Of Airforce And Homeland Security In The Past Terms .

B) Some New Changes - NG Currently Is Doing very good and is in a good position . i would be introducing some changes which will be under my leadership i want to host daily trainings on base which would be personally supervised by me or my high commands , we currently have alot of numbers in ng what we lack is quality i want to make sure that daily we do these type of combat / convoy / communication training . if we have both quality and quantity in ng it would be really good as the soliders will always be ready for upcoming situations . benfits must be given to soliders , currently we have bursary which cover ur expenses and bonus system these both will continue running as they were last term , along with this people with specialist + rank will be able to request a pickup from pilots to base to ensure their safety

C) Divisions - The current divisions in ng are doing a awesome job , they just need a bit correction at some point and we are good to go . all these divisions and the regiments under them will be staying in ng under my leadership to avoid less chaos in the organization . division heads may remain the same if they wish to serve ng . inactive division heads will be removed
Current Division List IN NG
Special Forces
Homeland Security
Recruitment And Retention
Air National Guard

D) Promotion Criteria - I Want to introduce a system of promotions
From Pvt TO SGT - Your activity will be noticed on base , clockin rota and gate logs channel will be there
From Getting promoted to NCO / CO - people will be tested by high commands to make sure they have good leadership skills . these people will be given a squad to lead during trainings and ammoruns and they will be supervised by COs .
E) New Policies - if i become leader of national guard i will be implementing many new policies in ng ,
1) Respect - everyone in national guard no matter what rank have to respect each other a high ranking officer cant disrespect a lower ranking officer and cant abuse his power of rank , in my career of ng i saw many co's and even some generals which didnt gave respect to their units . this system will be strictly implemented under my term
2) Never Leave A Comrade Behind - as a general this would be my 2nd policy this is to make sure our units are always safe
for now these would be my policies , i would be taking suggestions from my fellow comrades to implement more of these policies
3) If any other high command of other orgs want to join he will not be given high command directly , he would be starting from NCO Ranks
Lastly I Will always be open to suggestions made by my fellow comrades

F) lastly i want to say that i know what a general can do , being active among his soldier , always trying to understand them , never leaving them behind , i will treat my soldier as my comrades rather than treating them as juniors and being bossy which recently many people have done

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Firstly national guard is army so i will be focusing on getting more numbers in national guard specially getting old ng members back , daily conducting mass recruitments so we always have units

2.Activity - as of activity everyone in national guard have to be on duty everyday for atleast 2 hours if they cant be in city due to some reason they should be putting a vacation request in email . ncos would require to spend 50% of their city time in base , cos would be require to spent 65% of their time in base , these hours will be increased in case of emergency situations .

3. i would be making sure i give fair promotions to all ng units , they can always come to me and talk to me if they think they deserve more

I have noticed that our biggest weakness was not enough attention to new people. If i become leader, there will be a massive change to it, and new people are priority, because if they don't get it, they will leave for better opportunities. And we need those people.

MY Main Goal Would Be To Make NG ON TOP !
Thanks For Reading My Application
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