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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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George Pluxury
Administrators nickname
Nick Rune
Jun 7, 2022

Pandu Pluxury

Feel Free To Dm😉
May 5, 2022
As Per Rejected - Fear RP | Marabunta This Forum I Did Fear Rp Or Non RP I Request To Please Review My Bodycam If Its Fear Rp I Dint See Any One Pointing A Gun On Me You Can Check My Bodycam As Per My Pov Even After Climbing The Ladders I Asked In Radio Where Is Everyone Because Suddenly Everyone Was Gone
If This Complaint Gets Rejected Please Tell Me The Reason And What Did I Do Wrong So That I Dont Do It Again
If This Complain Gets Accepted I Request To Please Remove My ID From Rejected - Fear RP | Marabunta This Forum So That In Future If I Apply For Leader Or Admin My Past Look Clear And I Also Request To Get My Demorgan Remove IC As I Will Not Fly Into The City Till My This Forum Get Rejected Or Accepted

Pandu Pluxury

Feel Free To Dm😉
May 5, 2022
I Was Undercover And I Used My Personal Weapons Just Vest And Stun Gun Was Of FIB

Nick Rune

Jul 1, 2021
The reason you got punished because you were off duty and responding to store robbery and even absence of balaclava.
There is clear rule within state orgs that if you are responding any event like Store robbery or NG raid or Gang raid or black market raid, You should always be on duty.
Core meaning of Undercover is you are not supposed to show people that you are FIB unless required to.
You can confirm this with FIB curator and leader.

Higher admins will take decision on this.

Furious Bolo

Ex NG General , Ex Marabunta Leader [100%]
Oct 13, 2021
As Per Rejected - Fear RP | Marabunta This Forum I Did Fear Rp Or Non RP I Request To Please Review My Bodycam If Its Fear Rp I Dint See Any One Pointing A Gun On Me You Can Check My Bodycam As Per My Pov Even After Climbing The Ladders I Asked In Radio Where Is Everyone Because Suddenly Everyone Was Gone
If This Complaint Gets Rejected Please Tell Me The Reason And What Did I Do Wrong So That I Dont Do It Again
If This Complain Gets Accepted I Request To Please Remove My ID From Rejected - Fear RP | Marabunta This Forum So That In Future If I Apply For Leader Or Admin My Past Look Clear And I Also Request To Get My Demorgan Remove IC As I Will Not Fly Into The City Till My This Forum Get Rejected Or Accepted
0:50 in your pov them pd guys and you as well jumped off the roof what do u think would happen realisticly if you fall head first at this height ?

Pandu Pluxury

Feel Free To Dm😉
May 5, 2022
0:50 in your pov them pd guys and you as well jumped off the roof what do u think would happen realisticly if you fall head first at this height ?
i know acutally i was pressed a and space at the same time so the character jumped my intention was to go back and see where is everyone gone

Pandu Pluxury

Feel Free To Dm😉
May 5, 2022
The reason you got punished you were off duty and responding to store robbery and even absence of balaclava.
There is clear rule within state orgs that if you are responding any event like Store robbery or NG raid or Gang raid or black market raid, You should always be on duty.
Core meaning of Undercover is you are not supposed to show people that you are FIB unless required to.
You can confirm this with FIB curator and leader.

Higher admins will take decision on this.
yup i understand but it was so fast i dint got time if this gets rejected its fine as i know the reason but if it get accepted than also its fine

Pandu Pluxury

Feel Free To Dm😉
May 5, 2022
but hr were also there raisa and neo also saw me like that no one told me and i dont have a strike lol thats good for me
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