- Joined
- May 31, 2022
- Messages
- 239
Dear Mazhor,
The LSPD has a warning, and last night they received a person with a prison sentence Instead of getting momentary disband, their curator rewarded them with a verbal punishment. After that I was fired from the LSPD Although I wasn't in the game and they didn't have any IC reason. And the curator called for the Leader to fire me with his consent. Why did they fire me? Well, it is more than obvious that I was fired for OOC reasons. First the admin who is in the LSPD told me that he fired me, so the curator told me that the leader fired me because he lost confidence. "P.Z.L 1.7 ". Why is it given to incapable people to lead leadership positions? Why is it protected? What is behind it all? My organization got warn because it entered 2 meters into the ghetto and that after CB. If people don't know the rules well, why do they become leaders? Please be objective and realistic. If you need any more information you can invite me to attach it to you
Approved - PZD 1.3 I LSPD
U 20:00 lice je primljeno na moje oci u LSPD sa Zatvorskom kaznom koje je ostalo i dalje raditi nakon saznanja nacelnika . 1.3 Zabranjeno je prihvatiti osobe s kriminalnim dosijeom. unknown-2 slika 1 unknown-1 slika 2
Rejected - MG I LSPD
Jučer sam se žalio na LSPD kako su zaposlili lika sa kriminalnim dosijeom na forumu , a jutros su me izbacili iz LSPD-a zbog te stvari. Ovo je zaista bruka i sramota kakvo uništavanje RP. Neka mi pošalju IC razlog otpuštanja iz LSPD-a . Zapravo nemaju ga. U 01:00 sam izašao sa servera bio sam u...
Rejected - Žalba na odluku admina I miyagi chang
LSPD ima već warn i trebao je dobiti disban nakon što su uradili jedno od gorih stvari koje se mogu uraditi na ovom serveru a to je da su primili lice sa kriminalnim dosijeom . Nakon toga otpustili su me i sada se dotični admin pravda da me otpustio Lider i da je trazio od kuratora dozvolu da...