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Darco Pluxury

Aug 13, 2021

1. Your name IRL - Ayan Mukherjee

2. Your age - 19

3. Time zone - IST

4. Average online per day - 6 to 8 hours

5. Your Discord - Darco Pluxury#8418

6. Your Nickname - Darco Saints

7. Your ID - 44784

Additional information

1. Leader of ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become the leader of ballas as I am thoroughly familiar with the rules of ghetto the general rules and the rules of capture , as a past experience of gangs of over 6 months in en1 and en2 combined ( mostly en1 ) with becoming a deputy leader in Ballas during Rancho Sixninez term . So i decided to apply for ballas . We would do atleast 5 to 6 store robberys do one ng raid per day followed by clands , battleships gun store robbery , Black market raids and most importantly turfs . I have 20 people ready to join ballas ( will increase every week ) . We will also do a global event once in two weeks atleast , I will try encourage my gang members to participate in grafiti and also in ghetto fights ( Grafiti = ghetto fight ) we will try to get good relation with some gangs . I also have past experience in legal orgs and most importantly as a administrator in en2. I would gladly appreciate your consideration I hope that i get chosen to be the leader of the ballas.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

- Maintaining High level roleplay and make my org more active

- Maintaining Gun over Roleplay when dealing with legals

- Make a terrorist gang
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