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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Gionanti Kim
Administrators nickname
Avi Pluxury
Jun 12, 2022

Gio Wins

May 27, 2022
I was sad to discover this morning that me, my brother, my boyfriend, his brother, and his girlfriend have all been banned for multi-accounts. I see why this can be confusing so let me explain the situation to make it more clear. Me (Gionanti Kim-128235) and my youngest brother (Sotos Wins-134423) are currently living in the same house and he plays from his PC and I play from my laptop. Sometimes my laptop has problems so I play my account from his PC. Some days my boyfriend (Gorg Thanasis-43088) visits me at my house and he plays either from my laptop or from my brother's PC using his account. On other days, I visit him at his house and I play from my laptop from my account, he plays from his PC from his account, and his brother (Xaris Thanasis-142046) plays from a second PC from his account. Every other weekend Xaris' girlfriend (Otannia Mega-134355) and my brother also visits and we have to choose which 3 will play at the same time because that is the maximum allowed, even though we have 5 different accounts and 5 different game licenses legally purchased. Lastly, we might do the same thing but in Otannia's house, because she has the fastest internet connection. So as you can see we do not use each other's accounts and it is not one person having 5 different accounts. We have every goodwill to prove this either via a discord call with all 5 of us or by photos/videos or by providing other proof you request that we are 5 different real persons with 5 different accounts. Otannia Mega has posted in the forum already asking if there was a way for us to play at the same time. Hope this resolves, and I know it started due to my applying for LI leadership. If you find us not guilty in the end, I would like a fair review of my application. In the link, you can find a video where three of the above accounts play simultaneously at a family raid. Gorg Thanasis-43088 is also in the server for 11 months and has no history of forum bans. He introduced the rest of us to the game in order to spend more time together as a family. Have a nice day.


Main Dev
Main Dev
Apr 28, 2021
128235 approved. Don't share your social club. Otherwise you will be banned again with no chance to get unban​
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