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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Tania Murphy
Administrators nickname
Arthur Mack
Sep 27, 2021

Ethan Murphy

🎵ישראל היא הבית שלי🎵
May 10, 2021
As goes the thread, they used server script to rob a white tied scarf.

Mr Mack's statement: Stealing white tied scarf mask was just a luck which occurs during the server script robbing menu. Its not a rulebreak.

However I believe this is unjust as general server rule 6.14 and Greenzone rule 1.2 states the following:
6.14 It is allowed to rob from inventory ONLY Ammunition, Guns, any armor(Gang,FIB, LSPD etc.) and Drugs. MONEY can be robbed - only using system functionality of gangs. | Ban 1-7 days
1.2 It is forbidden to buy weapons, drugs. Also to kidnapp, rob people and put bags on players head. / Warn

As he says in his statement, it confirms that according to him, I was indeed robbed. If we re-read the 6.14 and 1.2 rules, it clearly states that nothing besides ammunition, guns and body armors can be robbed, and that nothing can be robbed inside a GZ. The prison is regarded as a GZ in Greenzone rules 2.4, and also states the following:
2.4 Other: Lifeinvader, LS Airport, Licensing Center, Trade Market, Stadium, Casino, (((Prison))), Post Office, Auto Fair, Real Estate Agency, Recruiting Office, Weapon Assembly, Beach Gym, Resource Exchange Points, Purchasing Rooms, Bank, ATM, Fishing Pier , Residential complex, Auto theft, Bunker.

As I've laid out this evidence and the rules, I am also seeking a refund from https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/12699/ , and I otherwise believe Mr Arthur is trying to do his job however, the disciplinary action that should have happened was not taken against the player who broke several server rules during last night's confrontation at the Prison. Im hoping according punishments can be handed out, and all can be settled.

Otherwise I thank the administration for the hard work they put into this server, I am solely making this report because the actions taken for a rule break that affected me on such a grandeur scale, is inadequate in my view unfortunately. Thank you!



Arthur Mack

May 16, 2021

The robbing rule 6.14 comes into play when you search someone,the illegal stuff that shows up during search section(through gang/unoff org menu) are the things that should be considered for robbing(such as guns,ammo armor etc). The white tied scarf mask which was taken away from your bagpack was through the g,basic actions,rob( which means pickpocket) menu which is completely random and requires luck+skills(in game skills). So you can ask someone to drop guns,ammo,ammunation etc but you cant ask someone to drop a white tied scarf mask because it is not listed in the illegal items menu.

Moving on to the next argument,which was robbing inside GZ. We all know that DOC is unscripted GZ and they were robbing you inside GZ. But they have been already punished in other thread ( https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/12539/ ).

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Once again u a talking about robbing then gangs or unoff ask you to DROP - and this fall under the rule
and Pickpocketing - will randomly take some items from ur inventory - it can be even neon shoes - and this is perfectly fine! So admin completely correct told you everything.
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