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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Josh Kemp
Administrators nickname
Kevin Ryze
Sep 29, 2021
Around 3 AM
None Recorded


Sep 29, 2021
Firstly, me and my friend Luke were rammed at high speeds by gangsters causing our car to flip, to which they proceeded to get out and kill us while we were still in the vehicle within seconds. This is surely fail RP because of the speed they collided with us to intentionally flip us would have caused serious injury to themselves in a role play standard. They then proceeded to offer only Luke a medical revive to which he ignored (Being the new player he is, didn't understand this was against the rules.) I could not communicate this to Luke as I was already on the floor in which I could not use my in game voice. They then called an admin who was female (potentially Sam Ryze). This is where the situation took a turn for the worst because upon her arrival she told Luke to accept the revive which he did. She then instructed Luke to put his hands up (in the mean time I was finally being revived), but again him being a new player he struggled to find the right point and click emote as he is not used to the UI. (not to mention that there were multiple players around Luke at the time all using their voice in game being condescending towards him). This caused Luke to get flustered and did not end up putting his hands up within her ten second time period, this resulted in him being wrongly imprisoned for two hours. He did not in any way refuse to put his hands up and we even said to the admin "bare with us he's trying to figure it out" multiple times which was obviously ignored. (The reason Luke couldn't put his hands up was because the cars around him were blocking the emote menu). Once this happened I tabbed out of my game and joined a discord voice chat with Luke to explain the situation and how to use the emote menu. At this point I tried to explain to the admin that he was new and that I was trying to help him out to which she responded in a very rude manner "first of all I didn't ask, and secondly that is metagaming". At this point I began to get frustrated at the way Luke was being treated by someone of power who is meant to help and guide in game (especially new players) but there was no empathy whatsoever. I then simply told the admin out of frustration that she was being a "dick". I take all accountability for what I said towards a respected member of staff but the next bit shocked me the most. She proceeded to slap a 60 day ban on me which I find to be extremely unfair considering the circumstances, and also how I saw a case a few days earlier where a player called another player the N-word, in which they only received a two day ban. I find that a simple swear word against racism has ended in completely different punishments. This makes me feel like my ban was personally malicious towards me and due to how much I was enjoying playing grand with my friends. This is very wrong and I feel I should at least be entitled to a reduced ban because 60 days (2 whole months) seems overly excessive.

Thank you for reading


Kevin Som

✨Who Am I?
May 7, 2021

Evidence of you Violating General Rules 5.2 + 5.3 has been submitted to Main Administration for Review. We do not appreciate being insulted and battered by members of our community.

Please Wait for a Main Administrator's Final Reply.

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
U where banned for disrespectful and insulting talk with Admins
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