Family name - Scn Fam
Family owner -Mojo Markus (ID 39257)
Family house number - 1060
Family owners discord - Mojo Markus#4232
Family owners forum - Carl Max
About Us:
It's been a long time since I left my home, my mom dad and my brothers and sisters. We were a big family but in time everyone got separated. I been working as a government secretary, a peaceful life. Sometimes I thought to reunite with my family but I couldn't do it. On a Sunday noon in the news I heard that my younger brother is been accused in a crime and he marked as most wanted. I did some search for knowing the truth about his crime and I ended up in a horrible news that my mom and dad died. It was a murder also my younger brothers wife were dead too. He was a good police officer, the killing in our family have driven him into revenge. Now I heard that he's gone to Los Santos after being most wanted So the existing members in our family and members most trusted with our family become formed as a new organization called " Scn Fam" .The main goal of our family members to find the killer and take revenge to him. but Its not much easy because I heard that he is under protection of some huge criminal organization in Los Santos. So we are preparing to grow up like another criminal organizations in Los Santos. that will be our primary goal to archive the main goal.
Ranking System:
Overlord: Founder of family.
Ruler: Equivalent to a leader that can handle most of things in family.
Co-Ruler: just below ruler can help ruler to do some regulations to ranks below. handle 75% of ruler functions
Destroyer: Like as a co-leader capable to manage some of things in family and capable to lead any events belongs to family.
Vanguard: members that most trusted to family and those who are willing to show presence an every events .
Fighters: members that know about the rules we are providing and know about basic things within family. ( members are just promoted by any family leader by checking the member can understand and go with rules that we provided )
Nooble: just like a trainee . functions are limited to this rank.
[ in future we are planning to update the rank system according to new number of recruits.]
Our Dress Code:

Family Rules:
*Respect every member equally
*A member must came to protect if another member have any kind of trouble.
*Do not embarrass our family.
*Strictly Make sure to not break city rules and some regulations that provided by family.
*Every members must be active any events done by family.
Business Model:
Buying and reselling weapons and ammo in a large scale.
Sale of other black market items like Vehicle scanner, lockpick etc...
Robbing people in the ghetto, Sandy Shores and Paleto .
solar planting is our main business and awarding bonus of family members for helping with this.
Odd jobs they find around the city to make money.
rob store when family balance getting low.
*main objective of our family is find the killer and take revenge but we have some primary goals to achieve the main goal like we are mentioned above*
* one of our primary goal is make our family to be listed at top 10 families
* to make our family to get known and respected by other citizen in Los Santos
* in the circle of businessmen's our family members hold a good positions just like to make every citizens become most trusted to make a deal with our family members
* to make our family members to familiar with guns and how to use it like a professional shooters.
* to make our family members have a hold in most of official and unofficial organizations
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