Dear Mazhor,
I am hereby filing a complaint against Chief Administrator Vincent Xozis. It is about the unfair treatment of applicants. There are players who write an application to prove themselves in writing during an open application phase. However, there seem to be exceptions with Chief Administrator Vincent Xozis. Namely, that people belong to the team as administrators without having submitted an application.
filtering the Postings from the Administrators:
The Administrator ChristianLux
The Administrator Bryan Fornett
The Administrator Denis Hollins
The Administrator Thomas Schädel
There are also applications that do not completely correspond to the template
As example:
The Administrator Amur Nadryw
The Administrator Ralfi
The template
It is good that there are experienced people who process applications. However, I see an unfair "game" behind it in my eyes
Thanks for reading!
I am hereby filing a complaint against Chief Administrator Vincent Xozis. It is about the unfair treatment of applicants. There are players who write an application to prove themselves in writing during an open application phase. However, there seem to be exceptions with Chief Administrator Vincent Xozis. Namely, that people belong to the team as administrators without having submitted an application.
filtering the Postings from the Administrators:
The Administrator ChristianLux
The Administrator Bryan Fornett
The Administrator Denis Hollins
The Administrator Thomas Schädel
There are also applications that do not completely correspond to the template
As example:
The Administrator Amur Nadryw
The Administrator Ralfi
The template
IMPORTANT - [GESCHLOSSEN] Vorlagen für die Bewerbung als Administrator/Assistant
Informationen 1. Dein Reallife Name: 2. Dein Alter: 3. Discord Name: 4. Dein Nickname: 5. Deine ID: Zusätzliche Informationen 1. Warum möchtest du Administrator werden? 2. Was macht dich besser als andere Spieler im Bezug auf den Job als Administrator? 3. Was sind deine größten Schwächen? 4...
It is good that there are experienced people who process applications. However, I see an unfair "game" behind it in my eyes
Thanks for reading!