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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Pearson Herrera
Administrators nickname
Tyrone Williams
May 31, 2021

Pearson Herrera

May 7, 2021
We were at component events which in our family we have both criminals and leo's, some of the criminals were trying to rob people at the components and one of them come to me and ask if it is allowed to ROB and I said yes. It is allowed because he is a criminal and Components is an IC event. I answer this question and then hear the guy getting robbed yelling that components is an OOC event. I as an Admin Assistant tried to help the situation by explaining the rules. I did not partake in this situation ICLY as I do not have corruption for this and know that you can't commit crimes as an LEO without a BIO.

Even Rishab Shetty falsely claimed that the components was OOC.

PROOF contains admin Logs so will be pm'd to Tyrone and any other requesting admins.

Pearson Herrera

May 7, 2021
Since the report has gone up I have had multiple admins say they wanted to Ban me for lying to them. I did not lie, in the interview process and everything to become an Admin Assistant there was nothing about not involving yourself in IC situations trying to help out. The guy in my POV was stalling so I went over and tried to clear up rules. I did not rob anyone and even called Admins to try help out when he was continuing to say that family events are OOC. If he knew the rules which I was trying to teach him there would have been no issue and the other guys could have robbed him. I find it really weird that Admins are going into other discords saying they want to Ban people and talking about situations like this, likewise leaking information in the #supportchat to non admins as well.

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Hello, please can u provide POV of incident?

Kevin Som

✨Who Am I?
May 7, 2021
Hello Alex and other Checking Administrators,

I have reviewed Mr. Herrera's complaints.

1) I am not quite sure what happened with Rishab Shetty mentioning the event for Leftover Components was OOC. I have not seen any evidence of this, so I will ask that you review evidence of this and if this claim has merit then speak to the Administrator.

2) Myself and other administrators had discussed bans for people lying to administration over this incident as a previous forum post was put up that looked like cut video was produced about the incident. No one received a ban from this incident, as a ban was not merited. If you feel that a punishment towards the administration is appropriate for this situation, you may give it to me. I have spoken with Mr. Herrera about this and believe we have cleared up any concerns. I also directed him to bring any complaints about us to this forum thread.

3) Can you explain what if any information was leaked in the #support-chat and by whom? I take these sort of accusations very seriously, but have not seen any evidence of this.

In conclusion, I would like to thank Mr. Herrera for his complaint as it was done properly, and while I was not the administrator who issued the in-game punishment, I would like the facts to be considered and his punishment removed

Pearson Herrera

May 7, 2021
Hi Kevin, After our discussion I am happy to answer the following questions:

1. In the POV provided in your DMs, @ 1:06 you can see the Guy ask whether Family events are OOC and ID 9127 says yes Family events are OOC, to which I correct him.

2. I don't believe anyone was trying to intentionally lie to the Administration, or likewise I feel like unfortunately some of the FIB agents were a victim of being in the wrong place wrong time. The only reason why I was involved in this situation was because Remy Mysterio who is an active Bloods member asked me if he can rob people at the components event to which I replied yes. I then over hear the guy who was getting robbed say that Family Events are OOC to which I try and explain to him the rules and how this was changed and only certain events are.

3. I have no clear evidence to who this was but there was a Screenshot of Lebron saying I am blacklisted from the Support staff in my DMs from 2 people and with no other Saudi members being a Support Staff I have no clue who this was.

All I am asking for is why as an Admin Assistant who's whole job is to help out in IC situation with Basic Rules and Player Questions, I was doing my Job and at the point I couldn't I messaged for help from a higher admin. They come and I explain the situation I get punished. The FIB agents involved shouldn't have committed the Robbery and Punishments for them are correct. I personally haven't done much with FIB and I know with the Background checks and other things a lot of people have either Left, Been Fired, or Moved to Gangs so its impossible for me to keep up with who is were.

Pearson Herrera

May 7, 2021
Finally with regards to any disrespect to the Administration, I purely said to Tyrone Williams who forced this to move to the forums. Don't start breaking Admin rules around us anymore by coming to the FIB Garage and shooting/running people over, or insulting us as if he doesn't want to work out a situation by a simple discussion and rather take this to the forums, why should we allow him to have fun and break rules as an Administrator?

Rishab Shetty

May 7, 2021
1. In the POV provided in your DMs, @ 1:06 you can see the Guy ask whether Family events are OOC and ID 9127 says yes Family events are OOC, to which I correct him.

I never said family events are ooc.. all i heard if that situation is ooc now that admins are there, So i said yes this is ooc...
I make it clear again at 1:56 of the pov you shared with Kevin

Lebron Pluxury

Gang Unit
Curator of the project
Apr 30, 2021
Good afternoon. You were removed from an admin assistant and put it in the blacklist because of disrespecting the curator of supports in dm's "Tyrone Williams". I have asked for the evidence from administrators and you have been violating a rules of the robbery as you do not have a bio in order to do it. Closed!
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Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Hello, thank you fort providing video of incident, we have punished those who have violated rule of robbery
and about complain on Admin, he have clearly told on video that is not OOC is IC.
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