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Your ID
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Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jun 27, 2022
Time of violation


Jun 8, 2022
ATM robbery was occurring, I noticed there were shots up stairs, I rushed up to give assistance and noticed two criminals from the robbery in a room, 12699 was just sitting there not assisting in the situation. As time passes the officers injure the two suspects and provide medical attention to me. Then you can notice as I stand up 12699 spins around, kills one of the criminals laying on the ground, then screams "10-10, 10-10" even though his shots were the only one going off in the direct vicinity. I asked why he shot, he said "He looks dirty" then he proceeds to go outside saying there was shots trying to ignore me ID'ing him.

So he clearly mercy killed a criminal on the ground, tried to cover it up, and did not provide assistance to officers near by in an active gun fight situation. Also 12699 is in the same family as the ones robbing the bank as long as the person he mercy killed.
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Jake Take

May 1, 2022
He was also clearly telling lspd officers NOT to handcuff them, he didnt want them arrested as he is in the same family as them. Please request his pov for any meta gaming as well. As i believe he was in a discord with them. He was either in a vc with them or listening to their demands in family chat.

Kyle Denial

Jun 23, 2021
So one I never said not to put them in cuffs. 2 it was misclick. 3 if we are going this route one of your cops were MG and breaking NLR. Yes my family were robbing the place but i fought them the whole enter time. 4 I ran outside because a 10-10 was called over radio for shots outside, after i couldnt find anyone that was a visible threat i decided to leave. If i wanted to be corrupt i would have left the situation as soon as i knew it was my family robbing the place. Ill provide my clip to the admins as they request it through discord. Further than that im calling it a night as it is nearly midnight and i will be up at maybe 9 or 11 tomorrow morning
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Kyle Denial

Jun 23, 2021

25356 Looted during gunfight at timestamp 3:48 in clip
26537 MG and breaking NLR at timestamp 4:35 in clip, using info from a before life and using his ID.
I would also like 25665 to provide proof that he survived the whole entire time from when i showed him my ID up to this point in time (3:26 city time) to ensure he isnt also breaking NLR or MGing, or admins can check logs to see if he did die from the time of me showing him my ID to 3:26.
When i shot him i wasnt even aiming down sights and was already in the swinging motion of turning around. It was an accident, why would i spare him out of the 5-8 other people on purpose? If my goal was to make sure that my family wasnt serving prison time or anything like that then why would i have killed the others as i downed them? Also, before you say anything about me not shooting mike it was because i couldnt see into his car therefor i couldnt recognize him ICly as his windows were tinted too darkly.
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Mar 22, 2022

25356 Looted during gunfight at timestamp 3:48 in clip
26537 MG and breaking NLR at timestamp 4:35 in clip, using info from a before life and using his ID.
I would also like 25665 to provide proof that he survived the whole entire time from when i showed him my ID up to this point in time (3:26 city time) to ensure he isnt also breaking NLR or MGing.
When i shot him i wasnt even aiming down sights and was already in the swinging motion of turning around. It was an accident, why would i spare him out of the 5-8 other people on purpose? If my goal was to make sure that my family wasnt serving prison time or anything like that then why would i have killed the others as i downed them? Also, before you say anything about me not shooting mike it was because i couldnt see into his car therefor i couldnt recognize him ICly as his windows were tinted too darkly.
[ID:12699] at 01:33 ROS 1.15 (Looting in a gun fight is forbidden for state employees)
[ID:12699] at 02:17 GR 6.6 (Forbidden to heal and loot in the gunfight)
[ID:25356] at 03:43 ROS 1.15 (Looting in a gun fight is forbidden for state employees)


Mar 22, 2022

25356 Looted during gunfight at timestamp 3:48 in clip
26537 MG and breaking NLR at timestamp 4:35 in clip, using info from a before life and using his ID.
I would also like 25665 to provide proof that he survived the whole entire time from when i showed him my ID up to this point in time (3:26 city time) to ensure he isnt also breaking NLR or MGing, or admins can check logs to see if he did die from the time of me showing him my ID to 3:26.
When i shot him i wasnt even aiming down sights and was already in the swinging motion of turning around. It was an accident, why would i spare him out of the 5-8 other people on purpose? If my goal was to make sure that my family wasnt serving prison time or anything like that then why would i have killed the others as i downed them? Also, before you say anything about me not shooting mike it was because i couldnt see into his car therefor i couldnt recognize him ICly as his windows were tinted too darkly.
also [ID:12699] at 00:00 GR 6.4 (by using car that with no insurance )

Ekansh Nakya

Jul 1, 2021
Upon reviewing all evidences,
I have decided to Accept this report.

ID 12699 will receive punishment for General Rule 6.4 & 6.13
(It is proven in your own POV that you killed your own family members in order to avoid Arrest RP)

ID 25356 will receive punishment for Rules of State 1.15
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