Family Owner: Martin Harris l 38296
Family House Number :1839
Family Owner Discord: HG#2523
Family Owner Forum : vNerdy
Family Logo
Family History:
Martin Harris his criminal career in 1966. Martin is rumored to have started his criminal career with his gang by stealing tombstones, sandblasting their inscriptions, and reselling them, though his most likely first crime was street fraud. After dropping out of school, Martin began to join car theft gangs, and at the age of 20 was already a household name for car thieves. He and his gang stole cars and dismantled them to sell their parts, and with enough money on hand, Martin bribed officials to launder his loot. While arrest records have been lost, Martin apparently sat in a Medellin prison for several months before his 20th birthday. Martin soon became involved in violent crime, employing criminals to kidnap people who owed him money and demand ransoms, sometimes tearing up tickets even when Martin received the ransom. His most famous kidnapping victim was businessman , who was kidnapped and eventually killed in the summer of 1971, Martin received a $500,000 ransom from the family, His gang also became famous because of it
Family Rules:
Always respect and listen to your high commands
- Always be loyal, dedicated, honest and respectful
- Never be racist, sexist or a bully as it is not tolerated at all
- Always respect the city and family rules
- Do not cause problems or tightness between our family and other families for nothing reasonable
- Always wear the family clothing requirements to all family events
- Do not steal from the family
- Always respect Admins
- Always follow server rules
Family Ranks:
1 Rank : [Recruit] New recruitments starts here
2 Rank : [Security] Gain access to more feature. Help recruits, Show new players all the city has to offer all around helping the family
3 Rank : [Underboss] Have all the authorization and most trustees in the family. They are in charge of recruiting new members.
4 Rank : [Boss] Family Owner/founder
Short Term Goals
Grow big as a family
Help every family member and grow rich together
Participate in every event and redeem ourselves
Long Term Goals
Dominate other family and become the most known family in the city
Reaching the top 1 in the organizations
Owning Businesses
Family Owner: Martin Harris l 38296
Family House Number :1839
Family Owner Discord: HG#2523
Family Owner Forum : vNerdy
Family Logo

Family History:
Martin Harris his criminal career in 1966. Martin is rumored to have started his criminal career with his gang by stealing tombstones, sandblasting their inscriptions, and reselling them, though his most likely first crime was street fraud. After dropping out of school, Martin began to join car theft gangs, and at the age of 20 was already a household name for car thieves. He and his gang stole cars and dismantled them to sell their parts, and with enough money on hand, Martin bribed officials to launder his loot. While arrest records have been lost, Martin apparently sat in a Medellin prison for several months before his 20th birthday. Martin soon became involved in violent crime, employing criminals to kidnap people who owed him money and demand ransoms, sometimes tearing up tickets even when Martin received the ransom. His most famous kidnapping victim was businessman , who was kidnapped and eventually killed in the summer of 1971, Martin received a $500,000 ransom from the family, His gang also became famous because of it
Family Rules:
Always respect and listen to your high commands
- Always be loyal, dedicated, honest and respectful
- Never be racist, sexist or a bully as it is not tolerated at all
- Always respect the city and family rules
- Do not cause problems or tightness between our family and other families for nothing reasonable
- Always wear the family clothing requirements to all family events
- Do not steal from the family
- Always respect Admins
- Always follow server rules
Family Ranks:
1 Rank : [Recruit] New recruitments starts here
2 Rank : [Security] Gain access to more feature. Help recruits, Show new players all the city has to offer all around helping the family
3 Rank : [Underboss] Have all the authorization and most trustees in the family. They are in charge of recruiting new members.
4 Rank : [Boss] Family Owner/founder
Short Term Goals
Grow big as a family
Help every family member and grow rich together
Participate in every event and redeem ourselves
Long Term Goals
Dominate other family and become the most known family in the city
Reaching the top 1 in the organizations
Owning Businesses
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