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Sir Sander

Jun 27, 2022
Family name: Nova Espero
Family Owner: Sander Espero | 19432
Family home: 1037
Dis Family Owner ID: SanderHansen#7284
Family owner forum name: SanderEspero

Logo :

family rules:
1. Treat all family members with respect
2. Ranks will be awarded only to people who work hard for the family.
3. We do not tolerate racist behavior under any circumstances.
4. Do not steal from the family cars
5. Always follow the city rules.
6. Do not take from the warehouse for non-family purposes.
7. don't ask the question if you cannot live with the answer!
8. Include everybody
9. Have Fun
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. 11.Be loyal and don’t leave the family for an another family, and try to come back again. That will not be Tolerated. 12.Your donations should not be Zero especially if you are a higher rank member. 13.No Blasphemous language please. This includes any reference to God, Being rude to a GOD is a total NO and is frowned upon. This may result in a kick from Family you if you choose to not listen and cooperate with this rule. 14.The Godfather and Underboss decide on the decisions within the family. No disrespect to The Godfather and underboss will be tolerated. We are a family and we need sort any challenges out in a mature and professional way. 15.The primary language of this Family is English. Any other languages need to be uses outside family matters.
Our Motto:
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”
Ranking: Rank 1: Suspended ( free time if you been bad against other family members or don’t behave in general )
Rank 2: Associates: ( The lowest Rank, unofficial members, also have to do Tasks
Rank 3: Trusted Member: Just want to chill in the family and not attending any events
Rank 4: Enforcer: Attending family raids and bank robbery
Rank 5: Dealer: buying and trading stuff for benefits for the family.
Rank 6: Soliders ( official members of the family, earn the money to get to the Capos and also take part in Family events.
Rank 7: Capos ( candidates for the top three ranks. They run the show with their separate illegal organisations.
Rank 8: Consigliere ( The third-in-command in the family and the Boss's closest advisor.
Rank 9: UnderBoss (Deputies of Espero , the right hand man to The Godfather
Rank 10: GodFather (owner / founder of the family)

short term goals:
1- Build a strong family
2- Make everybody feel included
3- Get a business
4- Help new people in the city
5- make sure that everbody knows the main rules in the city.
Long term goals:
1. Own multiple businesses
2. Get money to help out new people
3. Be Top 10 at Family ranking.
4.Establish a positive mindset.
5.Forgive and Move on.
  • Family raids
  • Informals and business wars
  • Family bonding time in the arena
  • Chill hangouts at the family house
Sander Espero was born in Norway in 2002 and Michael (Dad) took sander and moved to the city called Los Santos. Sander was the son of a mafia boss, and most people expected him to follow his father's footsteps. (11 years later)
When Sander was coming home from school one day in a small town near Los santos Sander heard what he thought were fireworks.
"Who's celebrating?" Sander wondered, as Sander approached his house. Two of Sanders uncles and Dad were lying dead in pools of blood in the road. They were mafia men. The explosions Sander heard had been gunshots an ambush by a rival clan.
At the time Sander was 11 years old, and growing up in a world consumed by organised crime. Now 19 years later Sander took over his father’s Mafia and has a solid group. Sander is focusing on targeting every rival in Los Santos in revenge for sanders 2 uncles and dad.

FAMILY DRESS. Hat is no need. Main is the Suit

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