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Hector Blu
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jun 30, 2022
Time of violation

Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
The Main charges , corruption without a bio , Power Gaming , Gen rule 6.4, Rules for leader 2.3, taking away our right for election rules number 15, Unrealistic Behavior (UB),Non-RP
The situation is , me and the blu family have been conducting peaceful protests at capital which i will provide both povs of , none of these protest showed any sign of riots or any sign of treason, it is not a city rule saying we cannot talk to state leaders and see if they will join us on a peaceful protest to go back into reelection. Government took away our roleplay experience , by targetting me Hector Blu ex attorney general , and stating that i was leading protest "3.4.2 leading of treason" they completely arrested me without going to trial about it because they know i would win over this trial. 3.4.2 states. "actively leading or organizing any attempt to seize political power, organising mass riots, as well as committing any action that leads to the destablisation of the state system of San Andreas through any form other than ( ((peaceful protest)) ) or legal election process shall be considered treason. In rare cases punishment may also require deportation from the state." it says clearly there in the new criminal law that was released "OTHER THEN PEACEFUL PROTESTS" secondly i did not lead this protest as you will see with the povs provided the leader of the protest was "Hannah Blu", they target me directly due to the fact i was ex attorney general (PG "making up things which did not happen so you can benefit"), the next charge they decided to add was "3.12.1 Disclosure of State Secrets Definition: The disclosure of any information constituting a state secret by a person whom it was entrusted or became known in the service of work. State secret means information protected by the state in the field of its military, foreign policy, ECONOMIC, intelligence, counterintelligence, operational-search activities, the dissemination of which may harm the state or her citizens." i did not disclose any state secrets first off , we made an assumption of the current gov state value in defense to our case against government , they used this trying to stop us from doing what we are doing which is cutting our roleplay experience , PG "making up things which did not happen so you can benefit" as anyone can make an assumption on and orgs balance this is not a crime. i have never officially seen govs org balance nor did i ever provide proof to anyone showing i seen the orgs balance , this is not disclosing information if its the right amount or not we took an assumption based on gov being the holders of all money within the city. everything we did was perfectly legal icly and ooc we have committed no crimes and have done nothing wrong. Government worker David Winters admitts willingly that he made the case file and signed the casefile himself. This is biased , and well over targetted towards me. if this was the case fib can sign their own raid case files, and raid whoever they want. after handing me the casefile he also stated this is non negotiable and the only trial i would get is after i am arrested , im sorry but isnt the saying "innocent until proven guilty"? i never got brought to trial first i was never a threat to anyone, we provided proper roleplay and many will agree everything we did was a fun experience , they gave me an entirely kangaroo trial , issued a warrent for arrest when i was never proven guilty , besides the fact that the guy who made the case file signed the casefile then wrote out a warrent for arrest and signed that aswell, the person who creates a file cannot sign that same file i was in gov and i know how these things work. this is corruption without a bio in all ways possible. now yes they said they had Pablo the curator of Gov Approve of this , but that is ooc and pablo should have never approved of this with the lack of evidence provided. it doesnt show me leading of treason or revealing gov secrets , it shows me talking to jackson eclipse asking his opinion and asking if he would like to be present on our next peaceful protest, which i had done with the other state orgs i asked their opinion asked how they felt about our first protest, and asked if they would like to join us on the next peaceful protest , not to overthrow poppy but to rather put into consideration reelection. as election rule 15 states we have the right to form our own events and our event was the protest against poppy losambra being in office , poppy is an excellent politician but a horrible leader , after speaking with these other state org leaders they agreed to join us , i advised each and everyone of them no guns in hand no vests on. this is not a crime i stated multiple times this was going to be yet another peaceful protest. which we did conduct. also we did get through to lifeinvader today and they took our statement to put on city email which will be released sometime soon. stating that anything that happened besides the protest the blus were not involved in we have committed no crimes in the public eye. we did everything by the book and we talked to multiple gods to ensure everything we were doing was valid. we broke no laws and no rules. in attempt to stop these protests gov decided it would be a good idea to put me in prison and possibly "deported" from the city. it is ub pg non rp all the way they abused their powers and arrested me illegally when i demanded a trial beforehand and told them how the charges cannot stand as there was insufficient evidence provided. this needs to be more thought over as if this is the case the citys current doj will take whoever they want for whatever reason. they are attempting to cut our roleplay in defense to poppy losambra, poppy should not have allowed this, as rules for leader 2.3 states. please do look over the evidence that follows.

Proof in front of a god they arrested me without my right to a trial. they said i would get charged with charges i did not commit then bring it to trial

proof of the case file which shows the "evidence" they used to convict me

First peaceful protest clearly not lead by me

Second Peaceful Protest still not lead by me

Also proof david winters was bringing an ic situation ooc. i complied as i was not running from anyone.

Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022

Mikee Ross

Mentor for the Competent
Feb 6, 2022
I think this post is bs and the only reason you're making a forum is because you want gov to get a warning and to have the blu family take power. I think if you actually went and asked for help when poppy was available IN THE CITY that this wouldn't be a problem, so yeah this is just to gain power now that lots of people left DOJ, and you think you might have a chance if the gods open up reelection

Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
I think this post is bs and the only reason you're making a forum is because you want gov to get a warning and to have the blu family take power. I think if you actually went and asked for help when poppy was available IN THE CITY that this wouldn't be a problem, so yeah this is just to gain power now that lots of people left DOJ, and you think you might have a chance if the gods open up reelection
this is not about political power. and youre off topic.

Poppy Lasombra

Angel of Law
Aug 14, 2021
Signing of a Case File and Warrant as Attorney General:

You yourself, Hector Blu, while acting as Attorney General wrote out a Case File and Signed it yourself (Case File 12062022-DOJ-DW01) This was also approved by the Government Curators. This is available on the relevant channel on the Government Email. Likewise you also Signed the Warrant yourself. The precedent for the actions of the Attorney General were set by yourself and cannot be considered to be illegal or corrupt on this basis.

To quote: "I wrote out a casefile as attorney General and signed it and then issued a warrant of arrest to make things simpler , Prince Valors actions will be an example to all of gov and the rest of Los Santos"

Leader Rule 2.3 Do not allow any provocative and conflict situations between the members of your organization.
This rule applies within Government, not outside of Government. There has seldom ever been conflict or provocation within Government, any that has existed has been fairly and properly dealt with where possible as expected of a Governor who was also the longest serving Attorney General and has respect for due process under the law and the role of evidence. We have a great team of hard working people and this has been both the most successful and longest running Government in the Cities history because of a great teamwork spirit and little to no conflict that cannot be resolved through discussion and understanding of where there is an issue.

NOTE: The Election Rules (Rule 15) only apply to a political party, once it has been formed and and been accepted on the Forums by the Admins for participation in the Elections. There has been no attempt to create a political party or to follow the Rules for Elections by the Blu Family or any of the other participants in these protests. That is what makes some of these actions illegal in law and against the Rules.

I am still thankful to everyone involved for conducting these actions and protests in a peaceful and orderly manner, but the claims to wish to depose the lawfully elected Governor and replace them with a unelected person of your chosing is the definition of an attempted Unlawful Seizure of Power or Coup D'Etat. Those are acts of Treason under the law and the only crime that may result in Deportation from the City.

This is not Rome. The mob does not rule here. We have a political system of elections and a process that needs to be followed. To allow otherwise sets a dangerous precedent for future politics of the state.

Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
Signing of a Case File and Warrant as Attorney General:

You yourself, Hector Blu, while acting as Attorney General wrote out a Case File and Signed it yourself (Case File 12062022-DOJ-DW01) This was also approved by the Government Curators. This is available on the relevant channel on the Government Email. Likewise you also Signed the Warrant yourself. The precedent for the actions of the Attorney General were set by yourself and cannot be considered to be illegal or corrupt on this basis.

To quote: "I wrote out a casefile as attorney General and signed it and then issued a warrant of arrest to make things simpler , Prince Valors actions will be an example to all of gov and the rest of Los Santos"

Leader Rule 2.3 Do not allow any provocative and conflict situations between the members of your organization.
This rule applies within Government, not outside of Government. There has seldom ever been conflict or provocation within Government, any that has existed has been fairly and properly dealt with where possible as expected of a Governor who was also the longest serving Attorney General and has respect for due process under the law and the role of evidence. We have a great team of hard working people and this has been both the most successful and longest running Government in the Cities history because of a great teamwork spirit and little to no conflict that cannot be resolved through discussion and understanding of where there is an issue.

NOTE: The Election Rules (Rule 15) only apply to a political party, once it has been formed and and been accepted on the Forums by the Admins for participation in the Elections. There has been no attempt to create a political party or to follow the Rules for Elections by the Blu Family or any of the other participants in these protests. That is what makes some of these actions illegal in law and against the Rules.

I am still thankful to everyone involved for conducting these actions and protests in a peaceful and orderly manner, but the claims to wish to depose the lawfully elected Governor and replace them with a unelected person of your chosing is the definition of an attempted Unlawful Seizure of Power or Coup D'Etat. Those are acts of Treason under the law and the only crime that may result in Deportation from the City.

This is not Rome. The mob does not rule here. We have a political system of elections and a process that needs to be followed. To allow otherwise sets a dangerous precedent for future politics of the state.
the order to sign this document you stated was by you in in no way is this relative as he was part of the same organization and we used it as more disciplinary action then an actual trial. the circumstances were entirely different we were dealing with a member from our own organization, who wasnt even high command. i was hc in lspd, every procedure here was broken. we are by all means allowed to conduct peaceful protests, which we did there was no treason involved as we said multiple times all we wanted was a reelection , not to mention once more i was not the leader of these protests which you guys fail to understand. yes i spoke to jackson why? because i saw how you treated him time over and over again at capital, which i may also have pov of you saying you will not sign his bogas guidelines, nor approve of them, this is why i spoke personally to jackson , they did not know the guy and i did, this doesnt change the fact that i was charged with multiple crimes i did not commit without even being summoned to trial , plus it was taking ooc trying to find me icly. multiple rp rules were broken here.

Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
Signing of a Case File and Warrant as Attorney General:

You yourself, Hector Blu, while acting as Attorney General wrote out a Case File and Signed it yourself (Case File 12062022-DOJ-DW01) This was also approved by the Government Curators. This is available on the relevant channel on the Government Email. Likewise you also Signed the Warrant yourself. The precedent for the actions of the Attorney General were set by yourself and cannot be considered to be illegal or corrupt on this basis.

To quote: "I wrote out a casefile as attorney General and signed it and then issued a warrant of arrest to make things simpler , Prince Valors actions will be an example to all of gov and the rest of Los Santos"

Leader Rule 2.3 Do not allow any provocative and conflict situations between the members of your organization.
This rule applies within Government, not outside of Government. There has seldom ever been conflict or provocation within Government, any that has existed has been fairly and properly dealt with where possible as expected of a Governor who was also the longest serving Attorney General and has respect for due process under the law and the role of evidence. We have a great team of hard working people and this has been both the most successful and longest running Government in the Cities history because of a great teamwork spirit and little to no conflict that cannot be resolved through discussion and understanding of where there is an issue.

NOTE: The Election Rules (Rule 15) only apply to a political party, once it has been formed and and been accepted on the Forums by the Admins for participation in the Elections. There has been no attempt to create a political party or to follow the Rules for Elections by the Blu Family or any of the other participants in these protests. That is what makes some of these actions illegal in law and against the Rules.

I am still thankful to everyone involved for conducting these actions and protests in a peaceful and orderly manner, but the claims to wish to depose the lawfully elected Governor and replace them with a unelected person of your chosing is the definition of an attempted Unlawful Seizure of Power or Coup D'Etat. Those are acts of Treason under the law and the only crime that may result in Deportation from the City.

This is not Rome. The mob does not rule here. We have a political system of elections and a process that needs to be followed. To allow otherwise sets a dangerous precedent for future politics of the state.
not to mention considering mac blu was along with the protest, are we going to forget he had already created a party named "light party" which is still entirely valid. this protest in all technicality is still a legal party that was approved of.

Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
Signing of a Case File and Warrant as Attorney General:

You yourself, Hector Blu, while acting as Attorney General wrote out a Case File and Signed it yourself (Case File 12062022-DOJ-DW01) This was also approved by the Government Curators. This is available on the relevant channel on the Government Email. Likewise you also Signed the Warrant yourself. The precedent for the actions of the Attorney General were set by yourself and cannot be considered to be illegal or corrupt on this basis.

To quote: "I wrote out a casefile as attorney General and signed it and then issued a warrant of arrest to make things simpler , Prince Valors actions will be an example to all of gov and the rest of Los Santos"

Leader Rule 2.3 Do not allow any provocative and conflict situations between the members of your organization.
This rule applies within Government, not outside of Government. There has seldom ever been conflict or provocation within Government, any that has existed has been fairly and properly dealt with where possible as expected of a Governor who was also the longest serving Attorney General and has respect for due process under the law and the role of evidence. We have a great team of hard working people and this has been both the most successful and longest running Government in the Cities history because of a great teamwork spirit and little to no conflict that cannot be resolved through discussion and understanding of where there is an issue.

NOTE: The Election Rules (Rule 15) only apply to a political party, once it has been formed and and been accepted on the Forums by the Admins for participation in the Elections. There has been no attempt to create a political party or to follow the Rules for Elections by the Blu Family or any of the other participants in these protests. That is what makes some of these actions illegal in law and against the Rules.

I am still thankful to everyone involved for conducting these actions and protests in a peaceful and orderly manner, but the claims to wish to depose the lawfully elected Governor and replace them with a unelected person of your chosing is the definition of an attempted Unlawful Seizure of Power or Coup D'Etat. Those are acts of Treason under the law and the only crime that may result in Deportation from the City.

This is not Rome. The mob does not rule here. We have a political system of elections and a process that needs to be followed. To allow otherwise sets a dangerous precedent for future politics of the state.
"I am still thankful to everyone involved for conducting these actions and protests in a peaceful and orderly manner, " so you agree all actions taken were in a peaceful and orderly manner. this was not rioting to seize political power. therefor treason had to have been dropped. as far as the other charge two things i didnt sign a contract of nondiscloser nor did i disclose any state secrets i have no idea what the balance is i made an assumption based of knowing that gov holds the largest amount. Anyone in city could make this assumption. not once did i see the org balance not once did i hear the org balance.

Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
"but the claims to wish to depose the lawfully elected Governor and replace them with a unelected person of your chosing is the definition of an attempted Unlawful Seizure of Power or Coup D'Etat." we stated multiple times we did not wish to sieze power, we simply wanted to go back into reelection, yes we have mac blu as a canidate, but the votes would always be on the citizens of the city. whoever the citizens chose. we do not speak just for blu family , as you see many parties began getting involved. we spoke so others would be heard. this was in no way an attempt to sieze power.


Mar 22, 2022
Does the law allow Forcing people to vote for a specific individual?
yes, the admins do select them...
and i thing that 3. RiotingL
Definition: Actively participating in a mass gathering where daily life of the civilian population, traffic, or the duties of a law enforcement officer or civil servant of the state are disrupted or otherwise hindered.
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Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
yes, the admins do select them...
and i thing that 3. RiotingL
Definition: Actively participating in a mass gathering where daily life of the civilian population, traffic, or the duties of a law enforcement officer or civil servant of the state are disrupted or otherwise hindered.
did we disturb anyone? no we caused no harm or any physical threat, we didnt hinder nor disturb the duties of any leos, as you saw leos were on scene , if it turned to a riot they would be able to assist in preventing it. which it did not, you see clearly us leaving when other people began getting involved thats were not with us.


Mar 22, 2022
did we disturb anyone? no we caused no harm or any physical threat, we didnt hinder nor disturb the duties of any leos, as you saw leos were on scene , if it turned to a riot they would be able to assist in preventing it. which it did not, you see clearly us leaving when other people began getting involved thats were not with us.
No! but the law says it clearly if the LEO stops working for this so it's breaking this law! however, the law itself violates the main Right "Express an opinion"

so because of this point and so many recently changed laws, I am requesting and still ordering to get the DOJ independence and re-activate congress!
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Rui Ace

Ex Curator
Apr 16, 2022
No! but the law says it clearly if the LEO stops working for this so it's breaking this law! however, the law itself violates the main Right "Express an opinion"
leo did not stop working, they were their as representatives for their org , they kept people on duty aswell , as you see only one or two from each org was there.

Bruce Wayne

I am 99% angel, but oh, that 1%…
Sep 4, 2021
yes, the admins do select them...
and i thing that 3. RiotingL
Definition: Actively participating in a mass gathering where daily life of the civilian population, traffic, or the duties of a law enforcement officer or civil servant of the state are disrupted or otherwise hindered.
You didn't read what I wrote and started your own thing. I asked "Does the law allow Forcing people to vote for a specific individual?" Law aka while we are IC, admins selection is through forums.
I said this with respect to my last post before the one you replied from this thread. Read again, sstoo.
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