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Mike Hart
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Andelko Elkhabib
May 27, 2022


Mar 18, 2022
Hello mr. Mazhor, I hope u are good! So, I will try to quick explain my situation. I have very bad PC with no GPU and 8gb of RAM and my game is lagging very much. Sometimes GTA V just like freezes, I don't take any damage, I don't deal any damage to other players, I can't switch guns in quick slot or use any items, I can't open inventory or menu on "M", blips just freeze's on map and I can just walk and can't even sprint. Im not the only one who had that issues and I got to much reports as admins Nikola Obama and Anđelko Elkhabib said and they did me a PC check. At the end of PC check they said that they didn't find anything suspicious except that I "cleared" my PC because for the last few days they see that I was playing on the server but they didn't see that I'm running Rage:Mp in Last Activity Viewer and I got banned for "clearing" my PC which I'm not guilty, I didn't clear my PC, I don't know what happened with Last Activity Viewer, did just some bug happen with that software or something I just don't know. They didn't find anything other about restoring my PC. I would never cheat no matter how bad I am because I just want to enjoy playing on this server with my friends and I'm not here to be "the best shooter" or something like that I'm here just to have fun and spend my time when I have nothing else to do and I know how annoying it is when somebody uses cheats just to be better or have some advantage. I hope You mr. Mazhor can give me my second chance and unban me or at least shorten my ban duration to 1 week or something like that so I can continue enjoy playing on this great server and project with my friends. You can even see that I'm not some trouble maker, I don't have much demorgans or other punishments I'm just having fun here with my friends.

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