Rejected - rdm from player 101815
killing me when i was afk
First of all this isn't a report to this administrator only i just had to use the correct format,
what i am about to say has happened a couple of times already also with other administrators
so i feel this is more of a general problem for me with some of your administrators.
i am uploading my pov's with medal, some administrators accept the reports on medal and other don't.
in the forum link i posted another one got declined with the reason:
Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report
Upload POV to Youtube or Streamable
1st - the medal link provided is just as easy as a yt video you click on it and you watch it.
2nd - for me personaly this is a faster way of uploading the pov for you guys
3th - he said:
Upload POV to Youtube or Streamable
please tell me if i am wrong but isn't the medal link i provided in that forum post a link to a streamable?
personaly i starting to feel like to just stop recording and reporting people, when i upload a pov to a streamable like medal and it is getting denied because
it wasn't uploaded to youtube or a streamable .
For me a solution would be to just accept medal links or any other video link and accept them just like youtube pov's are accepted.
Willem Longg