1.Family name - fast
2.owner - josh fedorov ID:34832
3.Family house number - 1321
4.Family owners discord - bartuunlu#6491
5.Family owners forum - bartuunlu
History of fast
year 1997 i was born in a very poor family i always wore bad clothes when i was little everybody made fun of me when i grew up i started to spend a lot of money my family moved to another country without my knowledge i collected garbage for about 1 month i slept on the street and then i found a job with an average salary for myself a house I rented and bought a bicycle and I was going to work with him. After working there for about 2-3 months, I quit my job. I found a lucrative job for myself. When the rent of the rental house ended, I bought a house and a car. My life was very good. After a long time, I found a girlfriend . We decided to get married after 3 years, we were living very happily. After 1 year, we had 2 children and my girlfriend was not working, so I had to feed 4 people in the house, but my job was not enough for the needs of 4 people anymore, so I applied illegally and started to earn very well and I could easily meet the needs of 4 people in the family. and we started to live very happily as a family.
Rules Of Family
1. Everyone is available to join the family
2.No disrespecting of each other is allowed in the family
3.No requesting of ranks are allowed if u deserve higher rank it will be given to you without asking
4.If u cant come on different family events i announce u must give me proper reason otherwise u will get warning in the family
Ranks of the family
1. new (someone who has just joined the family)
2. good (following family rules and attending events)
3. permanent (permanent in the family and not breaking the rules)
4. official (someone who can recruit members to the family and organize events)
5. boss (family owner
Family Logo
Short Time goals
1: get 15 active people in the family
2: to upgrade the fam house
3: to play informals
Long Time Goals
1: to get more family business
2: to get people in the fam a business
3: to grow the family
family dress
2.owner - josh fedorov ID:34832
3.Family house number - 1321
4.Family owners discord - bartuunlu#6491
5.Family owners forum - bartuunlu
History of fast
year 1997 i was born in a very poor family i always wore bad clothes when i was little everybody made fun of me when i grew up i started to spend a lot of money my family moved to another country without my knowledge i collected garbage for about 1 month i slept on the street and then i found a job with an average salary for myself a house I rented and bought a bicycle and I was going to work with him. After working there for about 2-3 months, I quit my job. I found a lucrative job for myself. When the rent of the rental house ended, I bought a house and a car. My life was very good. After a long time, I found a girlfriend . We decided to get married after 3 years, we were living very happily. After 1 year, we had 2 children and my girlfriend was not working, so I had to feed 4 people in the house, but my job was not enough for the needs of 4 people anymore, so I applied illegally and started to earn very well and I could easily meet the needs of 4 people in the family. and we started to live very happily as a family.
Rules Of Family
1. Everyone is available to join the family
2.No disrespecting of each other is allowed in the family
3.No requesting of ranks are allowed if u deserve higher rank it will be given to you without asking
4.If u cant come on different family events i announce u must give me proper reason otherwise u will get warning in the family
Ranks of the family
1. new (someone who has just joined the family)
2. good (following family rules and attending events)
3. permanent (permanent in the family and not breaking the rules)
4. official (someone who can recruit members to the family and organize events)
5. boss (family owner
Family Logo
Short Time goals
1: get 15 active people in the family
2: to upgrade the fam house
3: to play informals
Long Time Goals
1: to get more family business
2: to get people in the fam a business
3: to grow the family
family dress