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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Hikaru_Kawai Midori_Kawai
Administrators nickname
Oct 7, 2021


Aug 26, 2021
Allright, I want to make a statement before this thread will sound aggresive.
This is supposed to be constructive criticism and a defense of coming from my side and Midori's side.

We were accused of scamming Viking Wraiths. In the video proof I multiple times stated that Midori will give him her house (1012) and he will give us his house (1085).
He sold me his house for 270k with the script. Which was allready a deal he chose to do, and like I was told by all the admins that I asked in private or inside the game, what goes by the script is how its supposed to happen. So the deal could've ended there and allready, it shouldn't be considered a scam.
But afterwards, being people that do not scam, we went to Midori's house to sell it to him for the lowest price. Because that is what we had planned all along.
She, by accident, pressed the button "Sell the house" not knowing that it sells to the government, and instead of selling it to him, she sold it to the government because she was kinda happy that she got a house close to mine, and because of the "heat" of the moment she didn't pay attention that she was not selling the house to him.

Afterwards, the guy started calling us scammers and demanded 3 Million from me.
I don't find that fair at all, because he allready sold me the house.

Another fact, the General Rule 1.7. I was accused of trading more than 5 Million per day. Well, I think u checked the logs, and didn't properly check that the money was sent back to me after I transfered them. Because I was scared of what happened before, I didn't keep my mind straight and by accident I traded more than 5 Million. Which I think was $5.060.000 .

Midori got banned for the exact same thing.
My brothers accounts were banned for the exact same thing, and he had nothing to do with what was going on.

I noticed on another ex family member's post that he was as well banned for buying a house from Midori.
Everything doesn't match. No facts where checked in this case. We were wrongfully accused.

I am not trying to be a drama queen or whatnot, but when I got scammed, and made a report about it, nothing happened in my favor.
And now, when by mistake, my gf sells a house to the government instead of the player, we're all banned.

Talk about fairness :(


Aug 26, 2021
To add to my defense, in the POV provided u can hear me getting iritated when I realise Midori sold house 1012 to the government, and she sounds regretfull.


Aug 26, 2021
Okay, I ment to write my name in the title. Got confused with everything going on. All the people I talked to pointed fingers everywhere and it confused me to hell. Please skip that part. My fault. Ment to write Hikaru_Kawai instead of Sam_Pluxury

Lebron Pluxury

Gang Unit
Curator of the project
Apr 30, 2021
Good afternoon. My opinion regarding your complaint is that you should not have avoided a script in a first place and because of it you basically got banned as you did not follow the deal. Even so if your girlfriend did not do it on purpose there is no proof. Closed!
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