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vince masuka

Game on
Oct 31, 2021
1.Your Name: Deepak Raj
2.Your Age: 19
3.Timezone: IST
4.Average Online per day:7-8 hours per day
5.Discord ID: Deepak Raj#6571

6.Your Nickname: Deepak Raj

7.ID: 73796

Additional information:

1. Leader of Bloods

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1 Hello Everyone that is reading this, I would like to be become leader of Bloods because I have seen the legal side of Los Santos for 6 months and felt like gangs could be so much better. I feel like gangs could reach goals far beyond to make this city more entertaining and better for gangs' have spent loads of times in many organizations such as FIB, LSPD, SAHP, Ballas, Bloods and Families beyond these organizations I have been high command, I have had many situations and roles as a high command, which shows that I can control many civilians and make sure they will not do anything to break city rules.

I am very approachable and determined person. I take my role as high command very seriously and do not make mistakes if so it will be resolved quickly and efficiently. I gathered many team skills through FIB high command as a spec ops Head Of Department. Throughout experience of gangs I understand all events and many other gangs which will make me a good leader.

Majority of gangs think its all about shooting in ghetto and legal organization but my gang will be showing that we trust each other and help each other out as much as possible.
My experience as high command I have dealt with many store/gun store robberies and hostage situation is one of my specialties since i negotiated with many gangs this would help since robberies help the org and my fellow gang members. With many legal experience i can make families a lot better and make more content throughout the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

My advice for improving roleplay as a Bloods leader is i will make global events that Bloods will make such as previously families were announced as terrorist which I will make Bloods do and Bloods do a lot more better events such as overpowering of capitol, Lifeinvader and etc.
Also communicating through other gangs and team up on all the legal orgs.
I will improve roleplay with my fellow gang members and higherups.


Thank you,
Deepak Raj

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Sosa Blixky

Jul 24, 2021
Gain more experience then reapply in the further. + Most your exp/ time spent is in legal org not crime.​
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