- Joined
- Jun 14, 2022
- Messages
- 222
Your name IRL --: Owen
Your age --: 19
Time zone --: +GMT (ST)
Average Online per Day --: 6 Hours
Your discord --: Riftyz#9638
Your Nickname --: Davis Lawley
Your ID --: 105709
2. Why do you want to be Leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) First of all I have spent quite a lot of time within the city, Not just in this specific organisation but in many, I have been HC in near enough every LEO organisation but I feel I'm held back from how much I can actually help around the city with the positions I end up in, With the opportunity for me to become LSPD Chief I feel I can make an even bigger positive impact on the city than done in previous LSPD terms.
2) I feel LSPD doesn't get the respect it really deserves, most people in the city just look up to FIB as being the superior LEO organisation which I do not agree upon, all organisations should be treated with the same respect and gratitude and I feel with the upcoming chance of me becoming Chief I can gain the respect from the other organisations and put LSPD back in equal power like it deserves because at the end of the day no one should have more power or authority than anyone (Depending on jurisdictions) and everyone in every organisation should be treated equally no matter what their rank may be.
3) I was recently in LSPD as a SWAT Lieutenant and I realised that with a Specialist division LSPD can really make an impact on the terrorists and gangs that are within the city, With me as Chief the SWAT team will carry on it's great work and become even more advanced with strategies, I will have them doing training actively with our organisations and their specialist departments to ensure that we have our heavy teams in coordination with one another to deal with the extreme threats and dangers that we may face within the city.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization?
First of all I will be doing a few reworks and tweaks to the departments/divisions which are in the organisation, the departments now although are great I still feel there is room for improvement and I can make those improvements happen, with the introductions with new thriving departments with people who have experience in running those departments to ensure they are running as smooth as possible, in addition the people who are in these new departments will follow a chain of command which is allocated to that specific department to ensure their is no lack of communication within the department as well as the whole organisation.
A reworked ranking system, I feel in my personal opinion that there are too many ranks in LSPD which are uncalled for, I do not believe there needs to be a Corporal I, Corporal II, and Corporal III, Instead of having so many repeated ranks I will remove the third rank from every multi rank within the organisations so Corporal, patrol officer Etc, and instead I will use the rank slots to allocate ranks for departments therefore this will save so much confusion and miss communication within the organisation, From my experience I have seen a tremendous amount of miscommunication not just in LSPD but in other organisations when there are not ranks set for departments as you may have people asking who here is in SWAT, Where if you have a SWAT rank you know exactly who is in that department, but with the removal of the third rank from Corporal and patrol officer I will make it harder for Officer to rank up within the organisation so they do not simply end up being the highest rank they can achieve within the first two weeks or so.
A reworked training scheme to ensure that every single officer knows exactly what they are doing and what is expected of them, I feel at the moment there are officers who get trained and still yet are standing around asking too many questions like what should we do? Or should we attend the global?, These questions should not be asked and they should be taught these sorts of things in the trainings, as well as this situational trainings will be completed within the organisation to ensure every officer is prepared for any situation, for example we may choose to go to NG and do a basic attack and defensive to see how well are troops are at infiltrating.
Your age --: 19
Time zone --: +GMT (ST)
Average Online per Day --: 6 Hours
Your discord --: Riftyz#9638
Your Nickname --: Davis Lawley
Your ID --: 105709

2. Why do you want to be Leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) First of all I have spent quite a lot of time within the city, Not just in this specific organisation but in many, I have been HC in near enough every LEO organisation but I feel I'm held back from how much I can actually help around the city with the positions I end up in, With the opportunity for me to become LSPD Chief I feel I can make an even bigger positive impact on the city than done in previous LSPD terms.
2) I feel LSPD doesn't get the respect it really deserves, most people in the city just look up to FIB as being the superior LEO organisation which I do not agree upon, all organisations should be treated with the same respect and gratitude and I feel with the upcoming chance of me becoming Chief I can gain the respect from the other organisations and put LSPD back in equal power like it deserves because at the end of the day no one should have more power or authority than anyone (Depending on jurisdictions) and everyone in every organisation should be treated equally no matter what their rank may be.
3) I was recently in LSPD as a SWAT Lieutenant and I realised that with a Specialist division LSPD can really make an impact on the terrorists and gangs that are within the city, With me as Chief the SWAT team will carry on it's great work and become even more advanced with strategies, I will have them doing training actively with our organisations and their specialist departments to ensure that we have our heavy teams in coordination with one another to deal with the extreme threats and dangers that we may face within the city.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization?
First of all I will be doing a few reworks and tweaks to the departments/divisions which are in the organisation, the departments now although are great I still feel there is room for improvement and I can make those improvements happen, with the introductions with new thriving departments with people who have experience in running those departments to ensure they are running as smooth as possible, in addition the people who are in these new departments will follow a chain of command which is allocated to that specific department to ensure their is no lack of communication within the department as well as the whole organisation.
A reworked ranking system, I feel in my personal opinion that there are too many ranks in LSPD which are uncalled for, I do not believe there needs to be a Corporal I, Corporal II, and Corporal III, Instead of having so many repeated ranks I will remove the third rank from every multi rank within the organisations so Corporal, patrol officer Etc, and instead I will use the rank slots to allocate ranks for departments therefore this will save so much confusion and miss communication within the organisation, From my experience I have seen a tremendous amount of miscommunication not just in LSPD but in other organisations when there are not ranks set for departments as you may have people asking who here is in SWAT, Where if you have a SWAT rank you know exactly who is in that department, but with the removal of the third rank from Corporal and patrol officer I will make it harder for Officer to rank up within the organisation so they do not simply end up being the highest rank they can achieve within the first two weeks or so.
A reworked training scheme to ensure that every single officer knows exactly what they are doing and what is expected of them, I feel at the moment there are officers who get trained and still yet are standing around asking too many questions like what should we do? Or should we attend the global?, These questions should not be asked and they should be taught these sorts of things in the trainings, as well as this situational trainings will be completed within the organisation to ensure every officer is prepared for any situation, for example we may choose to go to NG and do a basic attack and defensive to see how well are troops are at infiltrating.