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Players nickname
Mike West
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Oct 8, 2021
Time of violation

Mike West

Forum Consultant
Jun 6, 2021
I want to start by saying that every interaction with the 14K Triad Family from a LEO perspective has 0 RP and seems more about winning than having fun. ESPECIALLY after how fun recent Bloods RP has been in comparison.

First let me start with the fact the this whole thing started from a bug where an agent falls out of heli for nothing.

In this POV you can see he falls out of heli from a bug, lands on the roof and then is provided medical care and robbed. After, they begin to take him hostage and ID 43276 is seen running with the hostage on the roof. All of the other family members see no issue with this. Next 14K encounters FIB at the ladder onto the roof after running with hostage, as FIB is going back down ladder the guy with hostage jumps off roof. The FIB hostage is let go and runs to safety, then 2 14k members are surrounded by 8 FIB, 13698 is screaming demanding that the hostage is to be taken back. They have no fear surrounded by FIB. As this happens 19263 jumps off a roof for no reason. No fear for life as well?


Here is a later POV of running with hostage later on during negotiations
3RD POV of 14K running with hostage

LSPD and FIB actively try to negotiate for the hostages safety within realistic bounds that have been done many times over and there's just "demands or die." LEOs are LIMITED on what we can do.

They think they can break any rules they want and you can see that by the complacency of the entire family when they rulebreak.

Zeus Kray

May 18, 2021
Just want to clarify some things regarding the Heli. We have informed that 2 of the demands were removal of the Heli and no LEOs on roof. However, Heli was never grounded. The FIB falling out would've never happened if the Heli was grounded as per demands.

We have reminded family members time and time again that they need to follow RP rules properly and cannot be running and jumping with the hostage. On that aspect on the roof, please give punishments accordingly as admins see fit as we have reminded everyone time and time again and do robberies nearly daily.

However, for the running outside the store, it was due to the hostage being in 'sleeping' mode and the person holding the hostage was trying to figure out a way to wake the hostage up without knowing that the only way is to release the hostage and let him/her walk around. The sleeping thing is an OOC thing and he did some OOC actions to try and wake the hostage up. Hope that clarifies any doubts.

Lastly I want to add, FIB and PD have no interest in the lives of their hostages. Their negotiation techniques are downright pathetic and it's always them telling us ( the people with the hostages ) what to do. If I tell them I want guns and from their mouths they have the audacity to say 'no this is what youre going to do...', despite me being the one with the hostage, it's a clear indication of the level of their RP and how much they value the lives of hostages. Killing everyone isn't 'winning' because we don't get what we went for. Sadly, FIB and PD rather die along with their hostages than do proper negotiations to release their hostages. They fail to understand the power dynamic and how they do not hold the power during negotiations.

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
ID 13698 provide the POV of the whole situation

You have 12 hours to respond
(offtopic comments will be resulted in forum account getting banned)​

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
I requested the complete POV not the POV which is cropped until 15:19 provide the complete or else the above pov will not be considered
POV needed until 15:30

You have 6 hours to provide it

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
ID 43276 and ID 45002 will be punished for NON rp running while holding an hostage
FIB/LSPD/SAHP will get a verbal warning for Event rule 1.5 (as decided by the state administrators/Austin woods)

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