-ID 2370
-Name: Mama Rena
-Why were you banned?
1.7 It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift (including neon shoes) the total amount of which exceeds $5,000,000 (you may receive $5,000,000 and transfer $5,000,000 per day). (It is allowed to withdraw/deposit money from/to the family balance.) | Ban 60 days
-How long have you been banned? 60 days
-How long will the penalty last? 58 days
-Why should we unban you?
Dear Mazhor,
I hereby submit a request for the removal/reduction of my sentence. I have been on the island of DE 02 since 04.10.2021 and have never been in debt. I am the leader of a successful family. I was also employed in the MD since 19.03.22 until the ban and was MD department head since 05.06.22. Furthermore, I have had a Prime subscription for months and spend between 12-14 hours a day on the server. I would like to officially apologize that I have violated the general rule 1.7 and I would never have thought that this also counts for spouses. Now I know better and a violation of the rules will no longer occur.
-Name: Mama Rena
-Why were you banned?
1.7 It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift (including neon shoes) the total amount of which exceeds $5,000,000 (you may receive $5,000,000 and transfer $5,000,000 per day). (It is allowed to withdraw/deposit money from/to the family balance.) | Ban 60 days
-How long have you been banned? 60 days
-How long will the penalty last? 58 days
-Why should we unban you?
Dear Mazhor,
I hereby submit a request for the removal/reduction of my sentence. I have been on the island of DE 02 since 04.10.2021 and have never been in debt. I am the leader of a successful family. I was also employed in the MD since 19.03.22 until the ban and was MD department head since 05.06.22. Furthermore, I have had a Prime subscription for months and spend between 12-14 hours a day on the server. I would like to officially apologize that I have violated the general rule 1.7 and I would never have thought that this also counts for spouses. Now I know better and a violation of the rules will no longer occur.