- Joined
- May 26, 2021
- Messages
- 23
2. 26
3. IST(GMT+5.30)
4. 4-6 HOURS
5. RaNk3R#1537
6. Ismart Shankar
7. 17514
Additional information
1. Leader of...L.S.P.D
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1. LOVE & Allegiance - First of fall i want to say without LSPD i never think or look to any other ORG. in city Because I Have been in Lspd for a long time(6 terms+), more than any Other 10 months I have seen LSPD in high time to low times, Started from the bottom as a trainee been in fields Under Cody Miles Leadership, Learned, explored, as a trainee to trainer made structures and regulations for the Lspd as a high command, with the work and dedication I have dedicated my half of the career as a police man, and served the city with loyalty and honesty, because this is the duty which i admire and patriot most. The Uniform has something in it that when someone wears knows the responsibility and the dignity to protect and responsible.
2.Maturity & Patience- I think i have the control to lead as i am In born leader who can manage to build a good team because i believe in team effort and team coordination I have Worked Under Of The Best Officer The city has to offer Under their Supervision I have learned So much Which i want to Teach the new generation and future of the best officer, And Also As i am The age of IRL is 26 i am well matured to handle any kind of situation with patients and with dignity even i am learning from the very first day i step in the city everyday now i think i am ready to lead the organization.
3.ELIMINATING THE FAULTS - I know where we are lacking every time every moment i will try to maintain the ethics of the department even when i was working for the lspd i try to fix the internal problems i know the roots. I believe In matured talk with people to sort things out icly so if i elected as leader i can make changes eliminating the favoritism, nepotism, even i will blend to the lower stage to know actual problem my team and the citizen. We are the Police we don't want citizen to hate us i will try to teach through the academy how to communicate and making a good bond gesture to the citizen.
Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I Will try to host new events will try make good bond with other legal orgs to hosting a root that some joint actions operation and some others ideas i have in my mind which will make The rp very good and thrills i want to make ghetto patrol more fun and also want to make legal vs illegal things More Challenging More operation so that even Both organization will get more fun and joy so that As we are lagging in every robbery and events we (all the legal org.) will give our best. I Achieved Everything From Pd Now The time to Give back The time and experience I Got From My past Time Thanks For Reading My application and At last i want to say it is my home and work together so without pd i dont think i will not Fir for any other org or job that's all for me Thanks
-Thanks For Reading My Application I want to make It Compact and simple to Express Myself. - Ismart Shankar ---------------------------------------------------------
2. 26
3. IST(GMT+5.30)
4. 4-6 HOURS
5. RaNk3R#1537
6. Ismart Shankar
7. 17514
Additional information
1. Leader of...L.S.P.D
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1. LOVE & Allegiance - First of fall i want to say without LSPD i never think or look to any other ORG. in city Because I Have been in Lspd for a long time(6 terms+), more than any Other 10 months I have seen LSPD in high time to low times, Started from the bottom as a trainee been in fields Under Cody Miles Leadership, Learned, explored, as a trainee to trainer made structures and regulations for the Lspd as a high command, with the work and dedication I have dedicated my half of the career as a police man, and served the city with loyalty and honesty, because this is the duty which i admire and patriot most. The Uniform has something in it that when someone wears knows the responsibility and the dignity to protect and responsible.
2.Maturity & Patience- I think i have the control to lead as i am In born leader who can manage to build a good team because i believe in team effort and team coordination I have Worked Under Of The Best Officer The city has to offer Under their Supervision I have learned So much Which i want to Teach the new generation and future of the best officer, And Also As i am The age of IRL is 26 i am well matured to handle any kind of situation with patients and with dignity even i am learning from the very first day i step in the city everyday now i think i am ready to lead the organization.
3.ELIMINATING THE FAULTS - I know where we are lacking every time every moment i will try to maintain the ethics of the department even when i was working for the lspd i try to fix the internal problems i know the roots. I believe In matured talk with people to sort things out icly so if i elected as leader i can make changes eliminating the favoritism, nepotism, even i will blend to the lower stage to know actual problem my team and the citizen. We are the Police we don't want citizen to hate us i will try to teach through the academy how to communicate and making a good bond gesture to the citizen.
Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I Will try to host new events will try make good bond with other legal orgs to hosting a root that some joint actions operation and some others ideas i have in my mind which will make The rp very good and thrills i want to make ghetto patrol more fun and also want to make legal vs illegal things More Challenging More operation so that even Both organization will get more fun and joy so that As we are lagging in every robbery and events we (all the legal org.) will give our best. I Achieved Everything From Pd Now The time to Give back The time and experience I Got From My past Time Thanks For Reading My application and At last i want to say it is my home and work together so without pd i dont think i will not Fir for any other org or job that's all for me Thanks
-Thanks For Reading My Application I want to make It Compact and simple to Express Myself. - Ismart Shankar ---------------------------------------------------------