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- Jan 26, 2022
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Family Name: Tonyali
Family Owner: Tonyali Efe ID: 4928
Family House Number:1754
Family Owner Forum Profile Link:https: Tonyali Efe
Family Owner Discord
ea Lee#3633
Background story:
Tonyali Efe was born in East Los Angeles, Newyork, to Tonyali Muhittin and Tonyali Şaziye.
His father and mother were working mostly in his youth, his father was dealing with illegal business in the underworld, and his mother was working as a cleaner in the hospital.
He was already beginning to learn what was going on in the underworld. His father was aware of Tonyali' quick wit and cunning, so his father taught him many dirty things like stealing cars and extortion.
Deli is now known in the underground world. He started legal business, started to be recognized in many jobs and started to take the first steps of Tonyali Efe, who now wants to raise himself higher...
How We Operate:
We have a diverse group of family members who work in legal organizations and gangs and participate in part-time civilian jobs like farming,
electrician, trucking, etc. During the day, we are active people in the production and sale of fruits and vegetables.
By night we have people in the family that go throughout the city using the Darknet of stealing cars or buying and selling items on the black market.
The goal is to purchase a family business such as Cowshed or plantation.
Family Logo:
Family Outfit:
Rules of The Tonyali
No racism, sexism, or bullying will be tolerated.
Respect every member equally no matter their rank or position in the family
City rules are to be followed, learn them and obey them
Family members must hold together and protect each other.
Don’t get into trouble with other families unless the situation deems worthy of fighting.
Must wear family attire during family events.
Be Truthful. Dishonesty is to be avoided at all times.
Our Main Goals:
Long Term:
Become well known and have a network of alliances in the city.
To be noticed as one of the most active and high ranking families in Los Santos
To have members of our family in high positions in legal organizations to have a well understanding of the rules of each organization within the city.
Short Term:
Recruit at least 10 trusted and experienced members to create the foundations of Tonyali and make a mark within the city every week.
To increase our finances to obtain businesses such as a cowshed or plantation to operate within the family
To have a well-stable family of 100 members with at least 20 active members throughout the day to increase presence within the city.
Our slogan:
The snake that does not touch me lives a thousand years
Ranking System
Rank 1: Tonyali (New Members Recruited Into The Family)
Rank 2: Assistant (Members With Heavy Contributions In The Family)
Rank 3: Kings (Members In The Family Who Have Proven Loyalty)
Rank 4: Boss (Primary Manager Of Businesses And Handles Most Interactions For The Family)
Rank 5: Godfather (The Leader. The Overseer. Goes By The Street Name Ghost. Handles Everything In The Family Ruthlessly)
Family Owner: Tonyali Efe ID: 4928
Family House Number:1754
Family Owner Forum Profile Link:https: Tonyali Efe
Family Owner Discord
Background story:
Tonyali Efe was born in East Los Angeles, Newyork, to Tonyali Muhittin and Tonyali Şaziye.
His father and mother were working mostly in his youth, his father was dealing with illegal business in the underworld, and his mother was working as a cleaner in the hospital.
He was already beginning to learn what was going on in the underworld. His father was aware of Tonyali' quick wit and cunning, so his father taught him many dirty things like stealing cars and extortion.
Deli is now known in the underground world. He started legal business, started to be recognized in many jobs and started to take the first steps of Tonyali Efe, who now wants to raise himself higher...
How We Operate:
We have a diverse group of family members who work in legal organizations and gangs and participate in part-time civilian jobs like farming,
electrician, trucking, etc. During the day, we are active people in the production and sale of fruits and vegetables.
By night we have people in the family that go throughout the city using the Darknet of stealing cars or buying and selling items on the black market.
The goal is to purchase a family business such as Cowshed or plantation.
Family Logo:

Family Outfit:

Ekran goruntusu 2022 07 16 232036
Resim Ekran goruntusu 2022 07 16 232036 kaydedildi Resim Yükle - Hızlı Resim

Rules of The Tonyali
No racism, sexism, or bullying will be tolerated.
Respect every member equally no matter their rank or position in the family
City rules are to be followed, learn them and obey them
Family members must hold together and protect each other.
Don’t get into trouble with other families unless the situation deems worthy of fighting.
Must wear family attire during family events.
Be Truthful. Dishonesty is to be avoided at all times.
Our Main Goals:
Long Term:
Become well known and have a network of alliances in the city.
To be noticed as one of the most active and high ranking families in Los Santos
To have members of our family in high positions in legal organizations to have a well understanding of the rules of each organization within the city.
Short Term:
Recruit at least 10 trusted and experienced members to create the foundations of Tonyali and make a mark within the city every week.
To increase our finances to obtain businesses such as a cowshed or plantation to operate within the family
To have a well-stable family of 100 members with at least 20 active members throughout the day to increase presence within the city.
Our slogan:
The snake that does not touch me lives a thousand years
Ranking System
Rank 1: Tonyali (New Members Recruited Into The Family)
Rank 2: Assistant (Members With Heavy Contributions In The Family)
Rank 3: Kings (Members In The Family Who Have Proven Loyalty)
Rank 4: Boss (Primary Manager Of Businesses And Handles Most Interactions For The Family)
Rank 5: Godfather (The Leader. The Overseer. Goes By The Street Name Ghost. Handles Everything In The Family Ruthlessly)