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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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hermes harris
Administrators nickname
Nick Rune
Jul 22, 2022


Jul 18, 2022
Good day,

kindly note that NICK RUNE is taking things personal since my wife filed a complaint against him which obviously got rejected this man is taking things personal and abusing the power he has in game. which is totally unprofessional and not accepted. spending most of the time in the city in 24 hours a day and more than 12k$ which was 10k$ yesterday on this server is not a small amount and more to be spent in the future. which i doubt he even can afford.

so by stating this fact and as a player on this server i do not accept the actions of this gentleman and would like the administration to re consider his position and facilities he has under control as it is not used properly and correctly.

while half if not 90% of the city are planting solars in the wall, shops, garages etc and i mistakenly plant a solar in my front garden not even back garden FRONT garden half on the steps of entrance of the house and half on the garden and slams me with a 4 day ban ? excuse me, there is something wrong here..... you clearly and surely know that the solars are hit and miss once planted you are not able to do anything about them. if i had mine planted inside the wall then yes i agree that is bug abuse and fair because then it shows i mean to bug abuse.

how do you ( Nick Rune ) know that this is my solar and what proof do you have that i planted the solar ??

secondly, while this gentleman is checking for bug abuse i was watching a live for 1 hour after my ban and have not seen one bug abuse ban given to others at all, therefore it is clear that Nick Rune is taking this personal with me.

And sincce i entered this server i never saw anyone getting banned / punished for this reason and even older people than me in the city are contacting me on disccord and telling me never have they seen this ban before from any admin.

if i wanted to hide the solar i would plant it inside the wall not half on garden and half on door way.

so whoever is the owner of this server and whoever is the manager of Nick Rune i am sorry to say but you should really think twice about keeping this person in the position he has today.

i might be fairly new in the city in comparison to others but definitely know what to do and what not to do.

i would like to see who complained about me what proof does Nick have that he is not just spectating me the whole time he is online, as i clearly get some lags every now and then which also can mean that you are being spectated and im sure it is nick .

Finally, i hope that this forum reaches to the managers of admin & owner of the server to look into this person , actions and position in game.


Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Make complains in correct sections
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