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Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | Sam Williams | ID 25538

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Sam Williams

Apr 24, 2022
Name: Sam Williams
Gender: Male
Race: White
Nationality: American
Date of birth: 29/11|1990
Place of Birth: India
Residence - Richman, Los Santos
Grand father: Leon Williams
Father: Mark Williams
Mother: Amy Williams
Weight: 75
Height: 180cm
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Brownish-Gray
Facial hair: Beard (Black)
Tattoos: None: Red Arm Tattoo (Right) & Black Arm Tattoo (Left)
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite hobbies: Technology (IT) , Swimming & Running
Strengths: Staying hidden like a shadow, can handle any situation with calm mind & Fast Runner
Weakness: Short Tempered

Early Life
am Was Born in small town named Dakupur in India . The Town was popularly know as Heaven of Thieves as they used for trading and selling Arms and Illegal Stuff. Though the town was full of Black Shadow (Illegal Stuff ) there was a hope that somebody will help the resident of dakupur and make them free from thieves and bad people. Sam's Father upon seeing the bad condition of his own land got very angry and decided to fight them thus he joined the Police Forces and tried to tackle the thieves. He almost Captured 25 Criminals and was awarded Bravery Cross. Life Was quite nice and sam's Father were breaking records of Capturing Criminals but suddenly one day his father was shot by his own officer on duty . The Officer who shot his father was a member of the criminal Gang. When this happened Sam was only 9 years old .

After Sam got older he came to Los Santos to search for work as his old job was not paying him enough . After spending 5 years in city and doing Common works such as taxi driver he joined LSPD - Under the leadership of Wraith Armani . He Worked harder and harder and become Captain of Air Div . Later he left Lspd and joined Sahp and server as Chief Of Fto under the leader ship of Poke Chan . After end of term of poke he again joined Lspd and is trying to server them.

1. Sam can take bribes up to 20K to manage his basic needs.
2. Sam can reduce the sentence or may even release the suspect if they belong from his family or are his friends
3. Sam has a good aim in weapons just like his father and can take 2 suspects at a time.
4. Sam can go in the ghetto and rob people off duty
5. Sam can kill on/duty who is not listening or complying.
6. Sam can loot the guns and ammo after the gunfight is over.
7. Sam can torture criminals to get the required info as evidence or intel for detectives.
8. Sam can sell looted Armory from the gunfight. (not his org weapons )
9. Sam wears a his dad's special spy glass which records 24/7 non-stop so he doesn't need to do Rp commands. He can destroy the footage for his bodycam by doing certain RP commands.
10. Sam carries with him always the truth serum. which he can inject it to suspects to get some information.
11. Sam can confiscate/Take weapons from people/Criminals for personal benefit and sell Them.
12. Sam can sell the INFO for money or can exchange the INFO to get intel for detectives
13. Sam can recognize anyone by voice. It's a special ability and he got it from his father.
14. Sam Can Become Hostage for good amount of money
15. Sam can destroy anyone bodycam by breaking it
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Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
However, Outcome 3: Rejected

Outcome 5: Make sure you do not include any kind of RDM in this or will be punished
Outcome 6: Make sure do not loot in between of gun fight or can be punished for State rule 1.15
Outcome 9: Rejected
Outcome 10: Make sure to use RP command (/try only)
Outcome 13: Make sure no metagaming is included here recognizing people with IDs

Outcome 15: This thing will be just in ic and you have to use proper RP commands (/try)

Remember, You can still be punished ICly
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Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Updated
Outcome 13: Rejected

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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