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Ethan Yeager
May 7, 2021
Name: Ethan Shaw
Gender: Male
Age: 21
DOB: 19/03/1999
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Straight
Place Of Birth: London, England
Residence: Los Santos, San Andreas
Parents: Joseph Shaw (Deceased), Rose Shaw (Deceased)
Height: 6'1
Weight: 170LBS
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: Black

Ethan Shaw is from a small town on the outskirts of London and grew up as an only child and his parents had a low income. Ethan's parents were originally from France but fled the country. From a young age his parents taught him how to handle cheap unreliable firearms at public shooting ranges and how to defend himself in close hand-to-hand combat. His Father used to work in a high-position government job before he was born and went down the path of corruption and fled France once they were catching onto him. Ethan's father spent all his money on getting them out of the country safely, bribing other LEO's he made along the way. Ethan's father thought he had made it out of France with new identities and executed his backup plan perfectly.

On Ethan's 13s birthday they were going out for the day and they stopped at a gas station in order to fill up their fuel tank. An unmarked stolen vehicle pulled up at the gas station, rolled down their windows, pointed guns and stepped out of their vehicles. They began to hit him with the butt of the gun while grabbing the top of his hair whispering in his ear with a pissed off, relieved tone. Due to Ethan's instincts and what he was taught he hid and ducked down from the car window in the back seat. The car had blacked out windows so Ethan wasn't seen. From what Ethan heard there was an altercation and 2 shots. Ethan looked back up and due to the blackout windows and tried to look for anything that would help him recognise the men. He noticed the 4 men had distinct matching tattoos, the same as his father all on their left hand right of the thumb. He then waited for the vehicle to leave. He stepped out of the car and keeled in front of his parents with blood puddles beneath them. Ethan ran off and went low on the radar with a few of his parents' very close friends helping him.

8 years later: Since that day Ethan has been training, enhancing his combat and weapon skills and working his way around groups looking for any trace of the people who killed his parents. He has followed a lead to Los Santos and has made many connections throughout the city helping him come closer to finding his parents' killers.

Throughout those 8 years Ethan has been down many paths and done many things he was not proud of but had to be done such as learning and using integration methods for satisfaction that the justice system can't give him. He has also taken bribes over the years to spare people's lives while chasing leads on his parents for financial gain since when he was a child he came from a lower class household and never had any entertainment or luxury items. Ethan spent most of his time around and in a crime prone area (ghetto) making many friends and learning how the gangs operate. Also he made many connections in the gangs which benefited them both. He started to spoil himself with the money he got from the blackmail and the bribes which made him feel better and forgot about all the trauma that he has from his childhood.

Since Ethan joined SAHP he has noticed the extreme pay that Government jobs get and has started to spoil himself. The thought of having huge excess amounts of money to splash around has crossed Ethan's mind many times tempting him to take bribes from the criminals for money and selling them weaponry that would otherwise be very very difficult to get. Ethan also thinks that sometimes the justice system can't provide enough disciple to extreme crimes such as murder and has thought of taking things into his own hands and disciplining them appropriately.

-In some situations where Ethan thinks no punishment is worthy for the crime he will take it into his own hands and torture and or kill the offender.
-Due to Ethan's desire for money he would take bribes but he would only offer them to people who he trusted very much.
-Ethan can do anything illegal/legal that benefits himself weather it is financially or not. (would only if there was a minimal chance of being caught)
-Due to Ethan's combat training and vigilance he can take 2 people on with guns pointed at him by himself if he sees an opportunity.
-Over the years Ethan has made technical equipment to benefit him so he has glasses that record 24/7 and constantly upload the last 5 mins to the cloud.
-Ethan takes weapons from the floor during fights if it would benefit him.
-Ethan has a secret panic button in his boot that sends a global/local when he stops his foot and the right amount of pressure is applied (Will be properly roleplayed)
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Nova Grey

May 7, 2021
I approve of your bio other than point 1, you can do 2v1 gunfights but not 1v3, you cannot take part in gang activities unless part of a gang, and you cannot use org weapons for personal use. Everything else is fine.


Ethan Yeager
May 7, 2021
I have removed the points you have declined, Is there a chance I could add a different outcome. The outcome would be:
Due to Ethan's training over the yeas that has helped him remain calm in most situations, Ethan can try to escape a car chase (Because he is very confident in his driving abilities) no matter the amount of people even if it exceeds 2 cars, 4 people. But if he crashes he will have to stop and get out of the car.

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
BIO disabled as the person is not in SAHP anymore
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