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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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Anto DeBonanza
Administrators nickname
Ranveer Malhotra
Aug 2, 2022

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
I was checking for the POV and about to post it as ulterior proof but i just noticed Alex Odd's answer and the thread being closed, i litreally was about to post it, i can't ask to re-open that thread so i will do it here instead.
Alex Odd:
"NO pov - no proves


Hi Alex,
Here is the POV of what happened in that case of this low effort "X" Approved - RDM 60950 Report, with 20 seconds out of context POV.

Here is the FULL POV on my part that lasts 2 MINUTES but is not even enough, cause this person harrassed us for over 10 minutes before my POV starts, he also got revived by us in the end and asked to let us go and go away. You can clearly see how he comes to us while we are just chilling and having fun together, he comes and says something to us, the other person hears it and gets mad at him, he keeps punching us, running to green zone, to then come back and harrass us more, until we snap and kill him then revive him asking to stop.
He waited for our reaction (me shooting after 10 mins of being harrassed) to get 20 seconds POV incriminating me. He even stopped the POV not showing us asking him to stop AND REVIVING HIM we didn't send him to MD as you can see from my POV.

I accept the punishment of demorgan, i paid for it and spent 200 minutes, i accept losing my weapons LMG Painted ammo etc, i can understand, but a warning for a "warning kill and revive after being harrassed" and having this guy harrass a girl that was just having fun with me, i think is too much, especially considering people kill each others at beach 200 times a day including Admins, i know is wrong, i know it shouldn't happen, but it wasn't an RP scenario, it wasn't an event, it was just him harrassing me and this girl with me, running in GZ abusing the game mechanics system, making it OOC as well.

I wish this POV clears your mind on what happened, i really wish you will remove the warning, i already paid the price for my re-action to his actions.
Please next time don't punish this hard someone that barely broke any rules in over a year in city, just with a 20 seconds POV out of context and "X" as description, from a very, very new player in the server that decided to troll and cause issues.

THIS IS MY 2 MINUTES POV. Pay attention to what that guy does and how many times he harrasses us and the girl in particular:

I Appreciate your time Alex Odd and James Pluxury.
Thanks in advance.
Have an amazing day.

Anto DeBonanza, your City's DJ.

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
Approved - RDM 60950 This is the old low effort report thread.
"X" as description, 20 seconds POV out of context.

You can clearly see from my POV the ID: 173006 (Very new in city) is harrassing us and has been for 10 minutes before the POV too. He comes to us, he provokes us, he runs away in GZ and comes back to provoke more. He wanted us to react to him so he could report us.
I admit what i did was wrong even tho it happens at beach every day, but, don't feed this provoking troll giving him what he wants, His POV shouldn't have been accepted to begin with, and his "X" as forum report is so insulting towards admins in the first place, he didn't even write a single thing.
Ranver is a new admin, he will become a very good one and gain experience with time, but this time as in my own opinion and other admin's opinion, he shouldn't have accepted a 20 SEC out of context POV and "X" as a thread post.

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
Check my POV, you can clearly see him constantly harrassing, following, punching, provoking us. I didn't hit him or react until the very end when we killed him and revived him to make him stop. He only stopped because he got that 20 Seconds POV to get me a warning. He started provoking for a long time. Just keep your eyes on 173006 running to us back and forth from GREEN ZONE punching us or running in circles around us. Tell me if that is a victim in your eyes.

Anto DeBonanza

Ex Deputy Leader of LifeInvader. | DJ | Ex FIB HC.
Aug 25, 2021
Sorry, i just got home and had finally time to upload it to Youtube.

Here is the Youtube Link for the POV:

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