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Kyle Longg

Oct 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Kyle Isham
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+0 ( server time )
4. Average online per day: 4-12 hours every day
5. Your Discord: kyle isham#0827
6. Your Nickname:
Kyle llong
7. Your ID: 68802

Additional information

1. Leader of...
Emergency Medical Service
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
  • Leading the Organization: I want to lead EMS and help restore it to what it should be. EMS's scheduling or the number of employees is low, leading to times where there are no employees at the hospitals to provide treatment to people; which I will attempt to improve. The quality of RP within EMS is also lacking from what I have seen, and what I have been told from others, and I am going to make the best effort to change that. EMS is a vital part of the city, which should be running 24/7, and having trained and professional higher-ups will help keep the organization running efficiently. If I become the leader of EMS, it is my goal to improve the quality of services provided, have regular recruitments for EMS, and make sure that EMS employees are trained better.
  • Goals:
    • Improve response time for EMS calls. A ton of EMS calls come in every day in the city, and the majority of them are going unanswered. This leaves citizens in a critically wounded state, sometimes leading to death. I will work to improve the response time by ensuring employees are trained to respond to calls, and that they will be responded to. To achieve this goal, bonuses will be given to employees with the most number of accepted calls.
    • Establish a better scheduling system. Having employees in hospitals around the city 24/7 is essential to ensure the citizens are treated. Many times during the "off-hours" there is not an employee at some locations, leading to longer times that citizens have to wait to receive health care. This will be achieved by recruiting more members into the organization, and ensuring they are trained quickly and thoroughly. Upon talking to current employees as well, I have learned they are working long shifts, and I look to improve that.
    • Ensure that other legal organizations are medically prepared. This will be accomplished by conducting weekly health checks at the organizations, which will make sure that employees of the other organizations are ready to assist the citizens should a medical emergency arise.
    • Increase the number of employees, and make sure they are trained properly. This will be done through 2x weekly recruitment drives, having well-trained FTOs to train new recruits as well as being a place for people new to the city to get started. Improving FTOs will allow the recruitment of more people and ensure they are properly trained. and To combat a better scheduling system that will be implemented. After talking with numerous citizens as well, they are unhappy about EMS and the fact that they may go to a hospital, to find no employees inside. I have also spoken to previous EMS leaders as well as employees; and have a solid plan to help improve the organization as a whole and make it more fun for the employees.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization: To improve the level of Roleplay in the organization I would like to start with having people in the hospitals 24/7, as it is unrealistic to walk into a real hospital without any employees, as well as when there are employees, to have a better interaction other than just spam healing them. There are numerous occasions I have seen firsthand where employees treat people without saying anything. Also, having better-trained employees as well as more promotions to those deserving would get more medics on the road and have more responses to calls. Too many calls go without response resulting in deaths. I would also like to make EMS a more accepting organization to "new" people in the city, by changing requirements join, but having well-trained and knowledgeable FTOs to train them.

To sum it all up: EMS as an organization has a lot of potential that has yet to be discovered, and I would like to help lead the organization in obtaining a better reputation and serving the citizens of Los Santos.

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Master Jackfruit

Jul 7, 2021
Interview is tomorrow 09/08/2022 at 16:00

Join waiting room 10 minutes prior to the interview​
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